Me: Six. (Two cocktails; Benedictine & the cheap Remy Martin.) FTR, Benedictine & good dark rum is better than Benedictine & brandy.
Four, going on five. Two Stellas and two Heineken.
I’m on beer #4. Three of them were Belgian, so I’ve lost count of the alcohol units.
None, I rarely drink during the week.
Beer is a nessesary part of a balanced diet. It can be reasonably argued that a couple vats of wet barley caused the hunter-gatherers of our past to stop, and think, that maybe this would be a good place to open a bar.
And so civilization was born. Along with the heritage of, ‘would you please put the mammoth bones on the compost pile’, ‘are you just going to just sit around and drink beer all day’, and ‘I think you spend too much time at the barley field with the boys’.
Does this fur make my but look big?
None, but I can assure you that exactly three weeks from now there will be many.
(My 21st might be a Monday and I might have classes from 9:40 until 6 on the Tuesday after but dammit I’m going to enjoy myself anyway.)
Zero. Not even a drop of vinegar.
Just a half liter of Hofbrau and a 1/3 liter of Radeberger. Tomorrow will probably be alcohol frei.
Zero. I feel so square. Not even a bellini or mimosa with brunch yesterday. Um, I had a couple of drinks Friday night. Does that count?
Since it is 8.30 in the morning here, none, but I have a couple of pain in the ass meetings coming up, so who knows.
Time zone: US Mountain
Local time: 10:44 PM
Drinks: 6 beers–Harp Lager
VeryCoolSpouse has been out of town for 3.72 days and I’ve been single-parenting the 4 little ones. I feel that 6 beers is really quite reasonable. I’m considering shots of various flavors.
Mid afternoon here, and I’ve had none. And I don’t plan to have any this evening either.
Ah, the good old days.
No units of alcohol for four years, six months, and 17 days.
If you’re so inclined, have one for me.
None but it’s 3.30 PM here. I will probably have two bourbon and cokes tonight which is quite a change from 2 months ago when I was still drinking a bottle of bourbon a night, as I had done for about 8 or 10 years.
I am trying to polish off a Cornelius keg full of American pale ale to make room to keg my new tripel, and am working with the “infinite glass” paradigm of refilling before you’re ever quite empty, so am somewhere between one and twelve glasses in to my evening. Groovy!
One. After work, at around 6:00. I would have had more, but I had to return to work at 1:00 AM, and then I’ll have to work my regular hours (9:00-5:00). Working lots of OT these days.
It was a Bud Lite. I must offer a sacrifice to atone to the beer gods. I’m sorry. My wife did the shopping, Bud Lite was on sale, and that’s what she came home with. The faster I drink it, the sooner the case she bought will be gone, and then I can replace it with something decent.
None. But I’ve given myself 110 units of insulin.
None. I’ll have a glass of wine from time to time, but not regularly.
I haven’t had any since the Sunday before Ash Wednesday. Gave it up for Lent, don’tchaknow. I’m looking forward to Sunday afternoon- it’ll be the best glass of wine I’ve ever tasted, I have no doubt.