12 beers while doing yard/house work today, then 7 hot dogs for dinner. Anybody else?
No. I didn’t drink 12 beers, do any yard/house work, or eat 7 hot dogs for dinner. Who’s next?
I did my yard work yesterday, beerless, but my Borders were hot after playing in the newly-mown grass. Anyone? Bueller? Hello?
Actually it’s 8 dogs now, but only 6 buns
You haven’t drunk too much. Passing out is Nature’s way of ensuring that.
How did you manage to drink 7 hot dogs?
Ah, to be young and eternal again…
On the plus side, acute alcohol poisoning is difficult with beer unless you try real hard.
It is probably good that the young are attracted to beer - the Training Wheels of alcohol consumption.
Except the Hot Dog part, sounds about right to me. Well, I can do without the work part, too.
Sounds like my every night, except for the hot dogs and yard work and “too much” parts.
It’s probably some lite macrobrew, so he consumed less alcohol than one good IPA and fewer calories than if he had lemonade.
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peasant… ol great grandpa in the teens would cut 3 hay acres by hand and drink a few jars from his own still then (he made something that was described a cross between vodka anf shine)after dinner do all the nightly chores
I was 12 and he handed me a jar I downed it …20 minutes I have no recollection of what happened after I milked the cow …
Yesterday I went to work from 9 to 1, returned home and mowed from 1:30 to 4:30. Then I showered and went to the bar, arriving right at the start of happy hour. I drank Bell’s Brewery’s Le Pianiste on draft, a Bière de Garde style beer. It was on special at $5 a glass, happy hour kicked it down to $2.50. They were practically paying me to drink.
How many beers did I drink? A gentleman never tells. I’m no gentleman, I just don’t remember.
I’m guessing they had you milk the bull…
No, not me, I’m catching a meeting a little later today. Wanna come? We got free coffee.
Twelve beers and eight hot dogs? I’m betting you nailed right there.
I’m more impressed by the 7 hot dogs than by the 12 beers. That’s a LOT of hot dogs.
I drink too much. About two liters a day. But diet soda, not alcohol. I still think I’m probably setting myself up for some future bad health condition.
I’m a non-drinking vegetarian. I could eat 7 candy bars washed down with coffee. But I don’t.
“One martini is all right. Two is too many, and three are not enough.” - James Thurber
My limit is when I say “Hey! I feel great! Imagine how great I would feel if…”
Mind you, I am not saying I always stop there…