How much does Axl Rose make daily in Royalties?

SSIA. I’m heard Britney Spears makes roughly $26,000 a day in Royalties, so I was wondering what another washed up rock star makes, especially since G-N-R was a rather huge and successful band.

I’ve always wondered what old rock stars do for money, surely they still don’t have their initial millions after…oh…say twenty years, unless they are frugal or just plain money wise. But these are Rock Stars we’re talking about, party animals !

So how bout, is my question a good enough challenge?

He probably makes nothing. I loved him and his band in the 80’s but they were too wild even for the likes of their cohorts like Metallica and Pantera. Have you seen Axl lately? He looks like shit. I have their Appetite CD and that’s it…

Ok after a quick googling it looks like he and Sebastian Bach are relaseing an album, but he still looks like crap. Serisouly folks, he’s been rode hard and put up wet. What more can be said of the man.

If his songs continue to be played on the radio, and if his albums still sell, he still receives royalties. If he wrote songs, that’s even better for him. I remember reading a biography of John Phillips, of the Mamas and Papas. He was coked out and broke enough between royalty checks to resort to living in his car, but every six months he’d get a check for a quarter of a million dollars. This was primarily due to his having written Monday, Monday, California Dreaming, and San Francisco.

My guess is its a sizable amount, seeing as he hasn’t had any other apparent source of income in 15 years and no bankruptcies have been reported.

Axl Rose was sued in 2006 by former bandmates over unpaid royalties.

I imagine those papers are public record - or at least on The Smoking Gun.

It’s likely that the amounts in question will be listed.

One of the issues that led to tensions and the breakup of GNR was that early in their career, Axl somehow browbeat the rest of the band into giving him most of the rights. Unfortunately, I can’t remember exactly which right… but the point is that Axl is doing better by far than Slash & Co.

J.J. Cale wrote Cocaine, Crazy Mama, They Call Me The Breeze, and After Midnight. He says the checks allow him to live comfortably, and he doesn’t have to tour if he doesn’t want to. :cool:

This thread makes me wonder how much it would costs, per day, to lead the life of a rockstar-15-years-after-his-last-hit-record.

Oh, and doesn’t Michael Jackson own the right to the Beatles’ songs? We know how much he paid for those…How much would those pay out?

Jackson owns 50% of the company which holds the rights to the Beatles songs (among lots of other stuff) but has since borrowed significantly against the shares. He may end up losing the shares as he seems to continue digging himself into a financial hole.

This article gives some details on the lawsuit over royalties.

It also states that the royalty payments for the first quarter of 2005 was “some $92,000”. It sounds like that is the sum total for all of them.

Rose likely has other sources of royalties as well.

Cool, yeah, Axl probably does pretty well if he owns most of the rights to the music, or atl east owns most of the rights to the royalties that is… Interesting. I wonder if he’ll ever release Chinese Democracy ? haha

I grew up on G-N-R by the way, they were one of my favorite bands ever. Yup, I’m a 30 year old metalhead. Not that G-N-R was metal, but I also grew up on Pantera, Slayer and others…

Several of them I am aware of live in relative obscurity in little towns. Nice house on a little property, most folks don’t even recognize them, let alone their SO’s who do most of the day to day shopping.

Who? Steve? Yeah…he used to be a musician of some sort…did pretty well I hear…