I used to be a Republican up until 2016, although I was increasingly bothered by what I saw within the party since Obama was elected.
If you look back over modern history, we had Eisenhower, who implemented the interstate highway system. We had Nixon, who created the EPA. We had Republicans in congress who helped bring about Medicaid & Medicare with LBJ. We had Reagan, who cut taxes, but also raised taxes, and who cut a deal on immigration in the late 80’s. We had George HW Bush, who signed the Americans with Disabilities Act, and who raised taxes. George W Bush added Medicare Part D, which has been largely a successful program. Mitt Romney implemented the Massachusetts version of the ACA back in 2006.
And throughout all of those years, the Republicans were a strong military-supporting party. Anti-communism was the glue through the HW administration. We were more sensible than Democrats on budget issues, at least prior to Reagan. And in war issues, prior to George W Bush, we were more cautious in the wars we entered, how we got in and got out. We were generally pro-trade, and pro-alliances. There was a time when the Republican party was a party that was willing to govern, and was constructive at the home front and overseas. We generally supported a less intrusive government than Democrats, and we were willing to cut deals on various issues. There was a two-party system, and they accepted the legitimacy of the compromises that had to be made.
But what do Republicans stand for now? It’s the pro-tariff, anti-immigration, anti-alliance, and no-tax party. Trade wars with no end game. Deficits surging again, even during growth times. Children separated from their moms, interned in camps on the border. Praise of Putin, and attacks on our allies. They purposely appoint people to run agencies that are opposed to the existence of the agency. This party is sick, and in its current form, is a Cancer on American politics.