What “significant” feature of your automobile do you seldom-if-ever use? I don’t know what it cost to put the sunroofs in my last few cars but I’d have much rather had the cash!
You could sell the sunroof on Craigslist.
I hope to never use the airbags. I don’t use the AC or the radio. I hope I don’t have to use the warning flashers but I have in the past. I’ve got an alarm that only goes off when I accidentally hit the panic button on the fob, not sure if anything else would set it off.
I see plenty of drivers who aren’t going to wear out the turn signals.
My current car is the first that I’ve ever owned with a backseat. And in the seven years of owning this car, I’ve had someone in the back maybe five times.
I do t thin’ I’ve ever used the AM radio. The CD player still has the disc in it that I put in it to make sure it worked on my first day of ownership. Don’t believe I’ve listened to a whole track. I have a rear fog light that I’ve never used other than to prove it comes on.
Definitely the sunroof. Also the GPS, as it’s quite clunky. Mazda really fell down on that one.
My car automatically locks the back seat door locks, like, all the time. I find that annoyingly inconvenient.
Those grips on the steering wheel at ten and two. Never used 'em. My knees can’t reach that high.
Although I love most aspects of the Toyotas that I have owned, the bluetooth software autoplays whatever music it can find on your phone every time it first connects, and every time a phone call ends. It’s the most ridiculous, annoying and dangerous thing, and there is no way to stop it. Many online threads on the subject attest to this. Toyota blames Apple, and it would of course be helpful if the Apple OS included a “disable autoplay” option. But, Jeebus, that’s utter bullshit. If I can stop the autoplayed music by hitting the “stop” button, I rather think that indicates Toyota could write their software to do the same.
Man, any time I’ve gotten a rental without the sunroof, it’s kind of annoyed me; all of a sudden I’ve lost a good chunk of my view. Can’t imagine not having one (and it’s always open when the temp is low enough)…
To get the electronics features that I wanted on my car, I had to get the version that has a “moonroof”. I didn’t want one. have never used it and never plan on using it. The good news is that it (currently) seems to be rain-proof when closed.
I love the idea of a sunroof, but mainly I only use to to cool the car down when it is sitting in the sun.
Sunroof? Am I a peasant? Moonroofs are the classy ones.
I only remember to use it every couple of years. I am currently using it but don’t feel that it greatly enhances my life.
Cruise control. I tried one on the car once and hated it and I disconnected the unit on the one motorcycle. My wife will sometimes use the cruise on the car but I just don’t like it or really want it.
Sunroofs: these are the kinds of leaks Jeff Sessions should be investigating.
The heating/cooling system in my 2000 Buick. I much prefer the system in my 2001 Ranger. On/off, hot /cold, much easier to deal with.
Me too, I never close the moon roof and open up all the way whenever I can, what’s not to like?
Do not sell the sunroof without giving serious consideration to how you will fill the empty space to keep rain and snow from coming in.
Yep. But rarely as I don’t live in that hot of a climate.
To get the upgraded stereo on my 2006 Pathfinder, I had to get a sunroof. To me, it’s just another point of failure that I very very rarely use. I’ve never driven with it open. Too distracting. Adds weight and complexity.
I have to agree with Chefguy, the navigation system in my Mazda is almost useless. I just run Google Maps on my phone instead. Based on my observations on the Beltway, I’d say a lot of drivers feel that their turn signal is useless.