How often do you get "checked out"?

I’m not looking so I don’t pay much attention, once in a while when I have my kids at the playground I’ll notice a woman check for my ring, that’s about it.

avert the eyes I’d say

Funny story on this one. I was waiting in the checkout at the supermarket one day and was trying to read a headline on a tabloid, god knows why. I couldn’t make it out so I was squinting and noticed that I could read it if I closed one eye but not the other. So I’m standing there blinking at this fucking headline when a strange awareness floats into my consciousness. I shift my gaze just slightly and there’s a fairly attractive blonde almost in line with my gaze looking back at me. My eyes locked on hers and she gave me a little wink and a smile and then turned towards the cash. Even if I had been single this chick was WAY out of my league.

People check people out, meh…

I’ve only noticed it from women, dudes might, I’ve never noticed.



No, I’m being overweight. Some people are into that–I have a couple of prospects right now, actually–but most people aren’t.

Hostile Dialect,
Hostile Dialect, Narcissist

I’m oblivious usually, but I don’t think it happens a lot. I notice it maybe once a year. It’s suprising when it happens and I usually feel flattered. And yes I had a guy check me out a couple of years ago. Kinda weird, but flattering.

edit: I’m a (heterosexual) guy

I am only aware of having been checked out once in my life, and I was dressed in such a manner that it shouldn’t have been surprising. I wasn’t looking skanky, just had bumped the “sexy” factor way up. Oddly enough, that night I had a couple of guys check me out, including one who my boyfriend said nearly bobbled his food at dinner and didn’t stop looking.

Thanks, Older-Hollister-Shirt-Wearing-Dude!

It was incredibly surprising and surreal, though because I generally don’t get checked out. As far as I am aware, other than that night, I’ve never been checked out in my life.

I’m not at all fashionable (though sometimes I wish I were), and I’m not highly attractive. My boyfriend tells me I’m just missing things, but he’s quite biased (and I’m very grateful for the bias).

Incorrect. I’ve met you.

Not very often anymore, although I (oddly, to me) got it a lot when I was in my teens/early 20s.

Thank you for the compliment. I am blushing and flattered.

I can only think of one person that ever has, but we were dating so I don’t think that counts.

Once in a while, and so long as it’s checking me out and not being obnoxious, I find it flattering. A lingering glance? Pretty nice. The guy whose height put him eye level with my breasts and felt the need to comment on how nice they were? Well, really!

But usually I’m flattered, because I do go to a bit of trouble to look presentable, so it’s nice if it’s noticed. I’m a shameless objectifier myself, although I try not to get caught looking, too much!

I definitely notice people staring at me sometimes, but I can’t really tell if it’s because they find me attractive or just so bizarre they can’t look away. :stuck_out_tongue:

When I was young and cute, heck, yeah. It made me uncomfortable, as if I was a heifer in the ring at the state fair. Now - not so much. One tends to turn invisible as one ages, but that’s fine with me. The kind of guys ‘checking me out’ now are hardly Hugh Jackman or Brad Pitt look-alikes. They’re more likely to ask me for spare change than for my phone number!

What age do you reach when you are invisible? My mom is 52 and I see her getting checked out left and right. She doesn’t notice it because she thinks they are checking me out, but no. I know who is looking at me and who is not. She turns heads like no other.

It really depends on what I’m wearing. A big ol’ sweatshirt with my hair pulled back in a pony-tail – I don’t see much checking-out (but I’m also usually in the grocery store or the library so I’m not expecting it).

In a nice shirt, a skirt, tight pants, with my hair down? I’ve noticed it plenty of times. Some overt stares, some quickly averted looks.

I’m normally flattered; I like being appreciated for looking cute when I’ve taken the effort. The guy in a roadside cafe in southern Spain who tried to get the waiter to ask me ‘how much?’ (guess he didn’t think I could understand Spanish) was, um, not so nice. Oddly, that was one time when I had been driving all day and did not look good. Who knows?

I’ve never noticed a girl checking me out.

Frequently, if I’m with my girlfriend. She’s attractive, and rather exotic looking, and for some reason this earns me a fair number of looks and “come hither” smiles from the ladies.

When I’m alone? I rarely rate even a first glance, much less a full on “checkout”. And I’m not oblivious to such things.

Come to think of it, on a night like this about 25 years ago, I did get checked out.

My nephew (who’s one year younger than me) and some friends and I were out at a bar. The place was a regular haunt for many of us. At one point, my nephew was acting miffed about something. I asked him what was up. He said, “Those gay guys over there are checking you out, big time!”

My nephew isn’t gay, nor am I, but he was a real attention whore and it was hilarious.:smiley:

Maybe you had to be there…

Never in my life have I noticed a stranger checking me out. My wife checks me out quite often, but I’m not sure that counts.


I’m in my 40s now, male, and I think I probably do get “checked out” by younger females occasionally. I say this because, although typically my interactions with strange females are just like with everyone else, very so often I’ll notice attractive younger women suddenly move decisively away from me, ignore me, put their purse in the seat to block me, turn away, or otherwise indictae they’ve suddenly thought of me in sexual terms.

Usually I’m pretty oblivious. I mean I noticed when the biy with the boner buying condoms and talking to me about anal sex was hitting on me, but that was about as obvious as possible. Most other times I don’t notice, or need someone else to confirm it for me.

Usually if I notice, I will flirt back. It’s a pretty bix of people that check me out. ranging from high schoolers to older people of both genders. It doesn’t bother me at all, I like getting hit on, and checked out. I just don’t like when they take it too far, and call me at work wanting to be “friends” and keep it from their wife. Then I get freaked out.

I’m a guy, in my mid-forties, not unattractive I don’t think but I certainly don’t dress to impress and women as a group seem to put a lot of stock in that.

Anyway I can’t remember the last time I might have been checked out. Maybe college, 20+ years ago? Maybe I’m just oblivious to it?