Imaginary friends don’t count.
I never do, but I almost never go to the movies anyway. I mostly only go when my friends or husband really want to see a movie, and I join them.
I think the last time I did was when I saw *Ralph Bakshi’s *Lord of the Rings.
I very rarely go to the movies.
I did go see Gravity a couple weeks ago, and I was alone.
I was thinking about this earlier. I’ve only ever been to the cinema on my own once and it was absolutely fine. I’ve always gone with friends and family, but if they weren’t available or didn’t want to see the film, I would wait for its home media release.
Going to the cinema is seen as a social event and people often fear being judged for going alone. However, in reality you shouldn’t be talking during the film anyway, so it makes no odds if you’re with people or not.
If you mean “to a theater,” never.
If you mean “watch a movie,” frequently. One of the big advantages to having a home entertainment center is you don’t have to go anywhere, put up with anyone, or even get dressed to see a movie.
When I was a single, swingin’ bachelor, I went by myself all the time.
Now that I’m married, I go with my wife or a friend every time. But very rarely, since these days we mostly just watch movies on Netflix.
Not very much any more, but that’s because I live in a small town with one movie theater, and they’re only rarely showing anything I want to see so much that I can’t wait for it to come out on DVD. Back when I was in college and we had an art-house theater within walking distance, I used to go there alone all the time.
Rarely, maybe once or twice in my life. I’ll probably do it again one day.
So seldom I can actually remember them:
Help! (Beatles, 1965)
Superman (Chris Reeve)
Titanic (it was even worse than I’d expected)
I have once, many years ago. I don’t go to many movies in the first place, so it’s rare that there would be a movie that I really wanted to see, that neither my wife nor my son would also be interested in. But I imagine that it will happen again at some point.
I don’t always have time to go to the movies, but when I do I generally go alone.
To be honest, I’ve never really understood the idea of seeing a film as a social experience. You can’t talk, you can’t see each other, it’s really just six minutes or so together during the previews.
Also, my friends and I are all busy working Moms. If I waited to find a time when even one of them was available and had a babysitter I would never catch a film in the theater. Add to that my fairly esoteric taste in films and it’s just easier to jump over to the theater if I ever get the chance.
I think the last one I saw was Anna Karenina, and the one I want to see now is 12 Years a Slave. There’s a good chance it will be gone before I get over there.
So the only time I go with someone else is when it’s a children’s show that Celtling wants to see. Then we do try to bring one of her friends, but it’s just not always possible.
I occasionally go the movies alone. It’s not my favorite way to spend time, but if it’s a movie I really want to see and I don’t mind spending ten dollars, I’ll go.
But I enjoy movies better when I’m with someone else. Funny parts are even funnier when you’re cracking up alongside else. Movies can also make you sad. Crying at a sad movie along with friends = memorable experience. Crying at a sad movie when you’re all alone = something you’ll probably keep to yourself.
Also, it’s fun being able to talk about a movie right when the memory of it is still fresh in your mind. And who can eat a whole tub of popcorn all by themselves?!
I usually go to movies alone (in fact, I’ve gone to three movies alone this week although that’s an unusually high number). I see movies more as a form of entertainment - like reading a book - rather than a social event. If I’m meeting with a person or a group of people, I’d rather do it in an environment where I can engage in conversation.
Here in Panama, I almost always go alone. The only movies I see in the theater are ones that benefit from being on a big screen, and I try to not see them on the weekend when the multiplexes are complete zoos. I occasionally go with friends, but trying to coordinate with them is just another level of hassle, especially since, being Panamanians, they are almost always late.
When I’m visiting New York, on the other hand, I usually go with family.
If there’s a movie I want to see but my wife doesn’t, or if we can’t get a babysitter, and I can’t rustle up a friend, then I’ll see it alone. No big deal. Sometimes my wife and I will tag-team - one of us will see an early showing, come home, and the other will go out for a late show. When the second one gets back, we’ll discuss it.
When go to the movies it’s because I want to see the movie, not because I want to spend time with someone. That’s what restaurants are for.
Twenty years ago, my answer would have been “Frequently, like once or more a month.” But nowadays, I haven’t been to a movie theater in almost 3 years. Netflix has overturned that whole system, and my situation of living has changed too in ways that affected my moviegoing. So I wasn’t sure which answer to choose in the context of what you’re asking.
How could “go to” be interpreted as watching one alone at home?
As for me, I never have.
I haven’t yet, but I guess I would if there was a film I really wanted to see and no one wanted to go with me.
When I do go I usually go alone. But in between the netflix, the low cost (until the package deal expires) cable and all the DVDs at the library it just isn’t something I do. Even when I do go it is only at the dollar cinema.
My wife (Dendarii Dame) reminds me that I saw Star Trek Insurrection by myself, too. So that’s twice - both in the last century.