How often do you wake up in the night?

I have a friend who falls asleep and stays asleep until he wakes up in the morning.

I’ve read that often we “wake” without realizing it, but I don’t think that counts. I think you should have to remember it for it to count.

I wake up after every two REM cycles, but sometimes after every REM cycle. So…I wake up at least three times a night, but sometimes more. And, I pee every time I wake up. (Been to the doctor, had every test available, blah, blah, blah. I pee every waking hour, too.)

But to fall asleep at, say, 10:00 and then not wake up once until the alarm goes off at six or seven or whatever…that is SO beyond my comprehension. Maybe twice a year I’ll sleep all the way from 10 until 4 without waking up, and then I stay awake until the alarm comes on, but that’s as close as I come to sleeping the entire night through.

And you know what? When that happens I feel cheated. I like waking up in the night. I hate getting up to pee, but I like waking up. I love sleep more than sex and food x 10, and waking up and falling back to sleep makes it seem like it lasts longer.

I don’t like to wake up in the night (although I do think that we do wake up often in the night but it’s very brief and we don’t remember), so I consider myself very lucky that I don’t. I sleep very hard and solid from the time I fall asleep until my alarm goes off. Unless I drink a lot of water before bed, which I often do. Once in a while, like this morning, I will wake up an hour or two early (I have to get up at 6 during the week so it really sucks) and can’t get back to sleep. I hate that.

What does that feel like? I’ve had surgery twice and it blows me away that I fall asleep and am woken up a millionth of a second later.

Although…during my first surgery I woke up, LOL. I remember saying, “Hey, I can feel that!” The surgeon later told me that I was a lot of fun. (It was a ganglion cyst removal so it wasn’t as deep as when I had my tonsils out and a deviated septum repaired in one surgery.)

It’s awesome- it feels like I’m very efficient. I get my sleeping done like that, son!

I have slept through emergency vehicles coming to my house for my grandmother when I was a kid. When my alarm goes off, I’m usually in such a deep sleep that I still, after all these years, take a minute to figure out what that noise is. I did not sleep through my babies’ crying during the night, though.

Funnily enough, I did wake up during deviated septum surgery. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, since I’ve had a cold since Tuesday and my nose has been running like a faucet, for the last two nights I’ve been up almost twice an hour. I’m tired and I’m cranky.

Kill me.

Most nights at least 3 times. I wish I could sleep through the night!

I sleep through the night every night unless I’m sick or really anxious about something. It’s nothing like anesthesia, where you fall asleep and then it’s morning. I have very vivid dreams, and even when I don’t remember them, I have a sense of the passage of time. It’s more like having a massage or a sauna – something that relaxes and rejuvenates my body, so I’m ready for the next day.

For me it is like I fall asleep and then it’s morning. I do dream, but I don’t have any sense of a passage of time. I lay down and close my eyes and then my alarm goes off.

Generally once, usually because I have to pee. The total amount of sleep lost improved once I stopped lying there bitching about how I didn’t want to get out of bed and maybe I could hold it and blah blah. Now I just get up and go to the bathroom and am back in bed a couple minutes later.

I wake up between 2 and 3 times per night like everybody else does. I don’t understand the question. Do some people go to sleep for like 8 hours and never wake up? How do they know they’re not dead? Don’t they get bored? When do they have time to watch TV?

Really, some of these threads are getting very odd. Next thing someone will be asking if anyone puts both socks on before putting on the first shoe.

Every time the stupid kitten decides she needs to be petted, belly-scratched, or something!

And when I need to pee. Which I could do, and be back asleep within minutes, except that the kitten thinks “he’s up – he must want to play for a while”.

(Photo, as per requirements.)

I wake up at least once an hour, every hour. Sometimes I might sleep as little as fifteen minutes out of every hour.

Last time I slept all the way through the night was 6 years ago. Everything caught up with me at just the right point that I went to sleep at 6pm one day and didn’t wake back up til 1030 am the next day.

Sleep disorder here - with sleeping tablets wake up about every 2 hours or less x by the number of hours I try to sleep. I can sometimes get up to 4 hours in one go (once in a night). I wake up and it varies - sometimes toilet and back to sleep … othertimes … hours until sleep comes again. Without sleeping tablets of any form … every 30 mins on the dot - oh joy!

I once had a drug for something else (doctor prescribed!) and I went to bed at 7:30pm and never knew another thing until the alarm went off - totally weirded me out! Sleep was great - but I was a walking zombie in the day.

I have an iphone app that measures sleep - not particularly accurate (I can get up, go to the toilet, go back to sleep - and it misses that!) … but lots of fun to see how little sleep I get!

My sleeping cycle is so messed up. I’ve always been an early to bed, early to rise sort, but lately I fall asleep at about 8:30 pm and wake about 2:00 am. It’s driving me bonkers! But I do sleep for those 5 hours or so without interruption, so I guess it could be worse.

I have small children and am pregnant. On good nights I wake once to go to the bathroom. On bad nights (like last night- older son is sick) I wake every half an hour to an hour.

This is not a great morning.

We have a three y/old so that skews our results, but I reckon I wake up at least 7-8 times a night. If I’m sleeping on my front I’ll grab another pillow and sleep on my back for a bit, and if I’m on my back I’ll chuck a pillow away and roll onto my front.

I’m probably only awake for 10 sec at the most but it does happen a lot most night.

I used to wake up 4-6 times per night.

I quit caffeine a couple of months ago and now I’m down to 1-2 times a night, with the occasional sleep until the alarm goes off thrown in. It’s a lot easier to get out of bed in the morning, too.

At least twice, but often 5-6 times.

Generally only once. Like the OP, I like to wake up at least once, look at the clock, and then go back to sleep. I love falling back to sleep and knowing that I don’t have to get up.

I almost never have to get up to go pee during the night, and I drink a lot of fluids, all day long.

If everyone else in the house cooperates, I sleep all the way through without waking up. Last night was a particularly bad night - husband got up to go to the bathroom, dog heard something and barked, youngest kid had a bad dream and I got up to hang out in his room for a bit, then I vaguely woke up to the alarm and turned it off, then finally woke up to the kids having some sort of wrestling tournament downstairs. Tonight, I sleep.