I was just wondering because I’m 14 and i have a bunch of questions
I think you’ll be welcome here and taken seriously as long as you don’t post in 1337 or anything stupid. Welcome to the boards!
cool! thanx!
I believe 13 is the minimum age, so you should be OK on that score.
By “do this” I presume you mean to post here on the Straight Dope Message Board. The age limit is 13, so you’re okay. Since this is a question about this message board, I’ll move it to ATMB.
moderator GQ
And again, welcome aboard!
What is “1337?”
1337 is “LEET” or short for elite, which is shorthand for a form of communication based on the graphic properties of the characters being used to represent other characters in normal written english.
Practicioners of this form of discourse are rarely of interest at this larval stage of their lives, but many outgrow it.
o i c. tank u.
Just kidding. Thanks Ringo. I didn’t know there was an actual definition for that kind of “communication.”
I think I can remember when I was 14, even when I can’t remember where my keys are. Then again I think I remember lots of things.
Welcome aboard, Psycho_Aquarius. We’ve got a few posters in your age group, and they are often very valued members of our community.
As for the 1337 thing, well yeah… We’re a quite uptight bunch here with regards to grammar, capitalisation, and punctuation (I’ll include myself in that). These boards are a haven from the wOrLd oF yAhOo ChAt aNd IrC, etc. Even words like “thanx” are borderline with some people here. Preview your posts, check your spelling, and post relevant material, and you’ll be more than welcome here. Your age is no barrier at all. In fact, if you post intelligently and honestly, and we know you’re fourteen, you will have the respect of most on these boards.
That said, we all make typos, and occasional posts we regret. Read the FAQ, read a few threads, and dive in. Don’t be shy. We have a lot of fun here. You’ll get to know people, and you’ll have a great time.
I’d probably better add that we do venture into “adult” areas of discussion from time to time (actually, only on Tuesdays, Fridays, Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Thursdays). This may or may not be a problem for you. Use your discretion.
Enjoy the Boards.
Okay thank you!
Yeah, what LoadedDog said. It’s always valuable and refreshing to have the point of view of the younger set. Most people here are tolerant, so long as you don’t exhibit overt signs of jerk-dom. And you’ll be told to lighten up if need be. Happens to the best of us at times. Live and learn.
A lot of the posts (entire forums, for that matter) are opinion-based anyway, and your opinion is as valid as anyone’s, and will be appreciated if it’s put forward in a civil and intelligent way. So lurk around in MPSIMS, IHMO and Cafe Society, and as LD said, dive right in. I’m looking forward to seeing your posts here and about. Welcome, Psycho_Aquarius!