I ask this question because I found mysef in a heatedf debate with someone tonight who turns out to be all of 15 years old. Call me old and jaded, but if I wanted to talk to teenagers I would go elsewhere.
13, last I heard.
You’d be surprised at who some of the teenage posters are, too. A few of them are WAY more mature than certian “adult” Doper’s
Due to US regulations, those under 13 must obtain parental permission to register here. I cannot find the pertinent information under the new version, but this is fairly standard across the internet, at least for US sites. 15 is perfectly allowed.
I wouldn’t toss ou the credibility of teenagers. There were some extremely bright, logical, creative kids in my high school classes who were much more knowledgeable on academic topics than most adults I know now…of course when it comes to life experience questions, they don’t fare so well there
Oh, blast! And on re-reading this, I think you may read that as meaning you!
:o Oops! No, I didn’t. I had in mind a couple of imminent meltdowns currently going on.
but if I wanted to talk to teenagers I would go elsewhere. QUOTE]
So, because I’m a teenager I’m not worth listening to?
So, because I’m a teenager I’m not worth listening to?
I’m not sure of the minimum age on the Dope, but it’s not an absolute cut-off, it’s a “below this age you need parental permission”.
I don’t have a problem with that. We have some very bright, eloquent young people and I see no reason why they shouldn’t be allowed to participate. Yes, some of the subject matter is adult - that’s why young minors need parental permission - but I don’t see where we should make this an “over 18” or “over 21” club.
Hey, I started reading the Dope in my teens - why shouldn’t they? (BTW - I was a teen over 20 years ago)
I’m sure I’ve been bested here from time to time by a teen - so what? If they win their argument on merit good for them - my ego can handle it.
You seem a bit confused and perhaps even insane. Here is a mental refresher, I have paraphrased a statement. See if you can guess who originally posted it.
“Hey you’re [personal attribute]. You shouldn’t even be here today, hon”.
No, it wasn’t the current leader of the National Fascist Party. It was you.
Maybe you think all fifteen year olds should have to sit up the back of the bus too? And drink from seperate water fountains. And speak only when spoken to. And you can hang them if they look at your woman, or in your case, man. I mean, two dozen cats. Indeed.
I would think you pretty much answered your own question. If you were able to have a heated debate, it seems that would be the more important part. I read the section by Jester addressed to teens a long time ago, but it pretty much seemed to boil down to the same rules as for the adults. Don’t be a jerk.
What’s so terrible about talking to 15-year-olds? If they really have nothing to add to a debate, then you ought to be able to refute their arguments easily, right?
You’re not doing your cause any great service with a post like this.
Since this is a question about this message board, I’ll move this thread to the ATMB forum.
moderator GQ
Off to ATMB.
DrMatrix - GQ Moderator
The minimum age to register is 13. We don’t exactly encourage kids that young from participating, but we don’t prohibit them either. The board is not really designed with the average kid of that age in mind.
Not going to name any names, but I can think of at least two Dopers (besides AGiantDwarf) who started out here as teens who have turned out to be sturdy, contributing members of the community.
There’s no age limit on immature posting behavior. I’ve read, and had, conversations here with people who I know were technically “adults” but who stunned me with the immaturity of their responses.
FWIW, I didn’t see anything that AGiantDwarf said in the linked thread that sounded particularly “immature”. I actually thought he was bringing up some interesting points.
I found what I was looking for last night. The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998. In this case the personally identifying information in question would be an email address. Since one needs a valid email address to register here, the Board is prohibited by law from allowing those under 13 to register here without express parental permission. I read somewhere else here that they decided not to get involved with the potential headches that come with collecting such permission, so they decided to simply not allow anyone under 13 to register, period.
The debate with the 15 year old in your cited thread was no more or less heated than it was with any other member in that thread. Yours and the 15 year old’s political points were no more or less cogent than the political points everyone else was making. There really shouldn’t have been any problem…
…until you went for the ad hominem dismissing the arguments of the 15 year old simply because he or she is 15 years old. At that point you became truly heated, dropping the f-bomb on a 15 year old you didn’t think was adult enough to be here. Your argument became less and less cogent and the 15 year old ran circles around you.
This all goes to the point of forum policy: Teen-agers are welcome. Jerks are not.
Blonde, I know the human tendency is to disbelieve criticism, but you came off very poorly in that thread. Complaining about the age of someone solely because they disagree with you does nothing for your credibility.
I’m rather surprised to see someone here who thinks teens should be excluded because of their age. I’ve been chat rooms and other message boards where at times I was told I shouldn’t be there due to my age. One time it was on a Pogo game room, I was probably 16 at the time, and I was in the 20s room. Someone told me I should go to the teens room.
Let me tell you something, if a teen is posting to an adult room rather than a teen room, it’s probably because they want a more meaningful conversation. I’ve been in teen chat rooms–they scare me. Everything is boys and sex. I’d much rather be here than on a message board devoted to Johnny Depp (though he is hot).
If you’re going to tell someone to leave, do it because they aren’t contributing, not because you think they’re too young.
:sighs: Sorry about the rant, this is just something that gets under my skin.