How should the Pit be changed, if at all?

It’s a pity the links don’t work, as I’m not entirely convinced by the characterizations of the reasons they were “driven away”.

I mean, I remember LAZombie and have done a little digging, and the problem wasn’t that he was a “Trump supporter” (although his support for Trump was usually just making up reasons why “liberals are bad” in every forum). He was also a rabid Truther who believed that global warming might be caused by the Earth’s core heating up. He called COVID-19 a “normal flu outbreak” and AIDS a “manufactured crisis”. His bizarre defense of George Zimmerman didn’t win him any friends either.

But if you carefully trim away all that and merely ascribe the reason for disliking him as “support for Trump”, it does rather neatly support your point.

Can we place the same level of reliance on the descriptors of all the other people on that list?

His account says “Suspended”, but I couldn’t find a specific mod note. Last posting March 2020 in myriad COVID threads.