How to Just Let Things Go?

In any case I just need to find a way to let it go. In my OCD anxiety filled brain I’m making this into a bigger deal than it actually probably is. Molehill say hello to the mountain.

Pray for them. Really.

Or, if you are not religious, find some other way to wish them good things and goodness.

I don’t understand it, but it works.

Don’t just “be the better person”; that doesn’t work.

And it better not be raw because those rot faster and stink worse. And whatever you do, if he leaves a window cracked do not put it inside his car on a hot summer day because that would be wrong.

What you don’t know, Laggard, is that everytime your neighbor goes into his house, he’s actually devoured by a horrific eldritch being. Limbs torn, intestines dangling, eyes bugging, the whole nine yards. You don’t hear any screaming, because it eats his larynx first. The beast prefers to take its time chewing, and your neighbor is aware and in agony the entire time. Then, when it’s time for your neighbor to reappear, (and this is the eldritch part) the beast regurgitates him, pats everything back into place, and wipes his memory until next time.

So, every time you get annoyed, just remember what’s waiting for him right inside his front door.

And he just left a nasty note telling me to move over. It is time for a lawyer.

Sorry to hear that. Since the landlord is at least marginally involved, you should give her a copy to keep her in the loop. Just so she knows what’s going on.

And 20 feet is too wide for one parking space, unless it’s hyperbole, which is fine. If it is 20 feet, she can paint in another stripe and keep one empty slot between you.

I tried to resist, but had to look up our Development Department’s width requirements for 90 degree parking. The standard width is 9 feet unless the stripes are double (double lines spread to one foot wide). Then they can be 8 1/2 feet wide (from center of double line to center of double line). Your municipality may vary.

That may not help any, but I feel better.

I’m not sure what a lawyer would do in this situation - it doesn’t sound like your neighbour is actually breaking any laws - he’s just being a dick for the sake of being a dick (with the caveat that he would drive most people crazy, too).

I think the landlord should make three spots, make the two ends ones into parking spots, and then fill the middle one in with a series of large concrete planters that can’t be moved (like one of these, right up the middle of the middle spot). Problem solved. Except your dick neighbour would then find some other thing to harass you over. Yeah, you have to move to fix this.

Sometimes you need to let things go, and sometimes you need to fix a situation that just isn’t working.

Don’t mention the eldritch thing in court.

Start taking daily photos of the parking situation now, in the event it may be needed for evidence later. Journal keeping is also useful.

You’ve let this escalate to lawyer level? Bad move.

Look. Just jizz on his car door handle. Once. (Don’t get caught). Then for the rest of your life, whenever you see his car parked too close, you can laugh it off with a little chuckle at Mr. Jizzhands.

Landlord will do nothing. I simply want a cease and desist all contact with my client letter sent. I know there is no legal basis unless I can get a restraining order which is doubrful.


OK- If you go at the landlord about this (harder) you lose all good will with the landlord, asshat still lives there, and he will find something else to bother you with later on.

If you throw money at a lawyer, you will spend a Lot of money (it always figures to be 20x to 120x more than the most you were willing to pay to resolve it while you were standing there angry), and you may or may not get a good result.
The landlord will be pissed at you because you may cost them a tenant (its how they think) and you’ll be thought of as a trouble maker.

Think of the time, effort, and money all the above points to and of what you get for your money. :frowning:

Now, pretend you are going to move. Look at apartments & places with good parking and what rents are (and what additional benefits you could have, like a pool). You could price towns that you like better or that are closer to your job
so your commute doesn’t suck-on-ice. Price moving companies to see what they cost, who is reputable, and who doesn’t hold furniture ‘hostage’.

Think of the time, the effort, and what you get as a return on your money by moving to a new place (like No More Asshat neighbor). :slight_smile:

Look, I know running away doesn’t solve problems… but in reality this is your landlords problem and its up to them to fix, and they won’t.
Your neighbor is an Asshat… but your landlord isn’t getting it done either.

For your rent, you deserve better.

Thank you.

I have free legal representation otherwise I would not consider it. I simply want them to cease all contact with us. No more signs, notes, karma is a bitch letters, or verbal contact. I doubt there is enough now to have a restraining order issued though.