How to keep me as a customer

I ordered a telephone headset recently, and when it arrived, I found that the connector cable from the quick disconnect to the phone was not included.

So I had to order that as well. Just got it in, and when I opened it, amongst the popcorn packaging, were three mini Tootsie Rolls.

Amazing how little it takes to command my absolute loyalty. If they’d included bacon salt, I daresay I’d be at their offices giving the shipping crew happy endings.

There is a local company I deal with that always puts a few pieces of candy in the boxes like that. Candy canes in December, and other fun stuff as the year goes on.

One time their delivery truck dropped off a few full cases of a product, I said to the driver I was bummed because there was no repackaging so no candy. He went to the cab of his truck and came back with a fist fulls of tootsie pop lolipops.

Little things can make a huge difference.

An office supply place we ordered from kept sending a tin of cookies with each order. My bosses opinion on this was “You know who’s paying for those cookies don’t you?”

Penzey’s Spices always includes a little sample jar with each order. Just a couple of ounces of something I haven’t tried. It might turn out to be something I like! and then I’ll order a big jar. And if not, I’ll have tried it and avoided wasting money on something I didn’t like. Thanks, Bill Penzey.

My favorite photo developer puts a blow pop sucker in every order. The retro packaging makes me smile.
And then the kids start fighting over who gets the sucker. Then I don’t smile.

I order various machinery parts from vendors around the country on a daily basis. One of them throws a candy bar in with every order I place with them.
Guess who I order parts from a lot?

I’m going to order some candy online and have it delivered. I’m dying to see what they throw in with the packaging.

I’m betting you get some nice ball bearings.

Whoo Hoo! A pneumatic cylinder!!

Huh. Including the connector cable in the first place would have done it for me.

Well, they didn’t omit it, it’s a separate item. I didn’t think it was, but that was just my assumption. has sometimes tossed a trinket or two in my orders, too.

We had one vendor at some job I worked at who did the random candy thing, too (Staples? Officedepot?). It’s amazing how much good will you can generate by giving office drones a little bit of sugar. :slight_smile: (It’s probably because our expectations are so low.)

Am I the only one that would be a little leery of eating something I didn’t ask for?
It is a nice gesture though, I can see it cause return customers.

Some pizza places where I used to live would throw in some pickled green chillis in the pizza box. Ever since I’ve wanted to know where to get them or how to make them.
edit: It reminds me of a dairylea advert where some animated cows sneak dairylea into the lunchboxes of small children. A bit dodgy if you ask me.

I made my assistant eat one first.

The eyeglass parts that Doper was trying to get that time.

And speaking of not wanting the free gift, the hunger site store insisted on sending a freebie with every order

I sent this grotesquery to my parents and while they agreed with me, they still put it on their tree. :eek:

A used book store in town used to give out free bookmarks to everyone who bought something. During Christmas season, the manager used to staple small candy canes (through the plastic wrapping) onto the bookmarks. She said that the response was incredibly positive.

My local indie comic/game shop owner always gives me a candy bar when I purchase something. Of course, I generally buy between $75 and $100 worth of stuff each time I stop by, but it’s still a nice gesture…and he remembers which kind of candy I like, too. He’s given me a few free issues of comics I might be interested in, of course, if he can get me hooked on the comic, he knows I’ll be back for more.

A grocery store, somewhere, once really went out of its way to attract and keep customers. Little thoughtful things, like instead of just throwing out the faded cut flowers in the flower shop, they would pick out the still-good ones and walk around randomly pinning the blooms onto the blouses of old lady customers (first asking if they wanted a flower, of course!) which I thought was so sweet!)… One of the meat cutters would put a Snoopy sticker and a label “this meat cut and packaged by Joe So-and-So” on random packages of pork chops and hamburg, and the customers just went crazy looking for Joe’s personalized packages in the meat case!.. Forgot the name of the grocery chain, but they did very, very good business after doing stuff like that.

I saw some great big jars of them in the ‘99p Stores’ shop in Norwich the other day - do they have anything like that near you?