How to link to a post?

This is probably a stupid question, but please bear with the n00b.

I know how to link to a thread, but I don’t get how to do the link-to-a-post thing. I read the “Technical Issues for Posting” and “vB Code List” threads, but they didn’t help. For example, the vB Code thread refers to a “postid”, but I have no idea where to find that.

Each post has a “#1” link (or whatever the number of the post is) in the upper right corner. Click on that (I like to right-click and open in a new window so I can go back), then copy the URL of that page into your reply.

[url=]Like so[ /url]

(broken to show code)

Or to show the post in context, do this:

[post= 8744994]your caption[/post] (delete the extra space after the = )

[post=8744994]your caption[/post]

That’s a cool one.

Please do it this way! I hate links to single posts, with no context.

Thanks for the help, everyone. Now if only I had something to say…

Or change showpost to showthread.