Why can't I figure out how to link to a thread or post?

I read the information on vB codes and tried making the link look exactly like the specimen shown on the page. But when I previewed my post to see if I got a nice viable link that said “this thread” or “this post”, just like the ones I see on the board, it showed up just like I’d typed it in: [thread]threadid[thread]. So i tried to find out what the thread id was. F I put my cursor on the folder icon tto the left of the thread title and got the equivalent of this in the lower left corner of my screen: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=2&subscription=0
which is actually what i got just now on thjis post, I just used it as an example. Anyway I assumed that the 6 digit string of numbers was the thread id so I did like so:

[thread]#######[thread] and nothing happened.

So, how do I get the thread ID for a thread I wish to link to in my post? And once I know it how do I use it?

What does value mean, as in [thread=threadid]value[/thread] ? Is that what I’m supposed to do?

Forgive me if I’m trying your patience. I admit that to call me a knuckle-draggin’ cyberneanderthal is flattery, that in fact I’ve just come out of the trees wrt this. But if there are instructions as to how to do the thread link anywhere on that page they’re apparently beyond me, and I sure as sheepdip can’t figure it out on my own.

Please fight my ignorance! Thank you.

the delux dunce :o

I had to bookmark a previous thread on this to remember…

{url=Website Link}How You want to Title the Link{/url}

Replace the {} with and off you go!

soooooo, to link another thread or any other website, it would look like this…

{url=Why can't I figure out how to link to a thread or post? - About This Message Board - Straight Dope Message Board}However you want to title your link{/url}

The url is copied and pasted from the address bar and the final product looks like this…

However you want to title your link

I forgot to add that whenever you run across coding that you’d like to be able to duplicate, just “reply with quote” and it will reveal the original coding.

Are you always putting a backslash in your closing bracket? I think that’s all you may be missing.

psst… A forward slash, not a backslash.


The backlash from a backslash can be very confusing.

Easy way to link to a post or thread, once you know the post or thread number.

Thread (in the example below, NNNNNN stands for a thread number):

[thread=NNNNNN]your text here[/thread]

Example: using the [thread] vBulletion code, your post will show up like this

[thread=384827]FAQ - Technical issues for Posting[/thread]
[thread=384827]FAQ - Technical issues for Posting[/thread]
Post (in the examples below, NNNNNN stands for a post number):

[post=NNNNNN]your text here[/post]

Example: using the [post] vBulletion code, your post will show up like this


[post=7698936]link to the 7th post in the FAQ - Technical issues for Posting thread[/post]
[post=7698936]link to the 7th post in the FAQ - Technical issues for Posting thread[/post]

You were also asking how to get the threadid or the postid.
Postid is easy: each post has, at the upper right, a hyperlink with the post number, e.g.

copy and paste the URL from that link, and you will get the postid.

For a threadid, the number will be in your browser’s address bar if you came to the thread by clicking on a thread-type link (e.g. the kind of links that are on the forum home page). If you don’t see a “showthread.php?t=NNNNNN” in your address bar, then what I do is go down to the “Previous Thread / Next Thread” links and get the threadid from there. You will see something like
and the number after the t= (123456 in my example) is the threadid.


[post=http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showpost.php?p=8590892&postcount=63]Hot Cha Cha[/post]
ETA: It doesn’t work. Why?

Try substituting “url” for “post”
Hot Cha Cha

I’ve never seen the code “thread” so I’m not sure about those instructions. Plus, it didn’t work for me.
[thread=http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showpost.php?p=8590892&postcount=63]Hot Cha Cha[/thread]


Don’t fight the hypothetical:
To link to post 8590892 using the [post] vBcode
My example did not show [post=http://…
My example looked like this:
[post=8590892]Hot Cha Cha[/post]

Copy and paste that line into a new post and see what it does for you.

8590902 is a post id, not a thread id, so in any case the thread vBcode is not the one you want to use. Post id 8590902 is in thread id 421472. To link to thread 421472 using the [thread] vBcode
My example did not show [thread=http://…
My example looked like this:
[thread=421472]Hot Cha Cha[/thread]

Copy and paste that line into a new post and see what it does for you.

[post=8590892]Hot Cha Cha[/post]

Got it, thanks. I’m sure it seems easy to you. I’m still fairly new to coding unless it’s the really simple stuff. Ironically, I came here to ask about how to find the post ID only to find this thread already going.