How was my day? Ok, fine if you don't count getting hit by a car......

Not “I was in an accident with my car”

No - I, as in my person was hit by a car. As in, a car being driven by someone else. It was moving, I was not. Well, until I got hit. Then I became an object in motion.

I’m not hurt. Oh, a bit sore in buttocks region. Kind of a bruise on one of The Guns (upper right bicep). But fine otherwise.

It was pretty simple, he’s a big dumb chew-spitting farm boy that believes that Newton’s Laws don’t apply to his John Deere painted modified All-Wheel drive Subaru something or other.

**I kid you not. Fancy fog lights, covered with yellow fog light covers with green Deere logos, a roll bar externally mounted, and I think spray painted in Deere green with Deere yellow trim, wheel covers and such. Quite the visual treat.

I was loading groceries into my trunk. I intentionally parked with a couple empty spaces around me (we’ve had 8 inches of snow in the last 24 hours, parking spaces are just theoretical when you can’t see the pavement). While my head was in the trunk, situating the Peroni so it wouldn’t tip, I hear some idiot revving his engine.

I think: “oh some idiot kid racing his engine and sliding through turns because he can in the snow”

Almost all at once I hear:

  1. Someone yell “hey watch out!”
    A) That unmistakable car on car sound.
    A.1) Me yelling “ow” because I hit my head on the trunk lid standing so quickly.

Note: Amend the part where I wasn’t hurt anywhere else, my noggin has a slight lump.

I stood just in time to see John Deere’s left rear fender coming right at me.

Know those scenes in all the action movies where Our Hero sees a car coming at him, and jumps just in the nick of time, and just high enough to not get creamed but to kind of roll off the fender? I did that. Only not perfectly.

Screw that, yeah it was perfectly. I rolled on to the trunk, the car kept moving (narrowly missing mine, but wiping out what was left in my shopping cart. The store replaced the 12 pack of Guinness and other incidentals, which was way nicer than they had to be I think) I rolled off just through my own momentum and hit the ground rolling (ah, the old football instinct never leaves).

I think my arm hit the make believe spoiler as I rolled off. Believe it or not, my ass isn’t hurt from the impact or fall, but from my getting up so fast, and trying to run to the moron’s car to drag him out and kill him. In my eagerness, I slipped and landed right on me bum.

EMT’s Police, old ladies comforting me, asking if I was ok, the whole nine yards. I refused transport, promising to see a doc if I hurt tomorrow. The kid, as it turns out had a warrant for missing a couple court dates, so he got a ride away from the scene.

What happened was, as he turned into the parking aisle from the main road that runs between the store and the parking lot, he gunned the Deere Beast He started the wobble - fishtailing, I assume because just letting his foot off the gas was not allowed per Man Code. (All these tracks were fresh, plus people saw it). He whacked the back end of a car across the aisle from me, tailed back and came my way. After hitting me, he spun 180 and was facing where he came from when he stopped.

So that was my thrill for the day.

PS: NO ONE mention this to The Wife as I am afraid to tell her, because she’ll “worry”, make me go to ER, and start watching me like 5th graders watch the class hamster to see if it acts differently when you toss it over a car.

But I could use a good Bum Massage, which sucks, as my regular masseuse just went on maternity leave.

What a grade A, first class moron. Yes, parking lots full of cars and pedestrians is exactly where you need to pull your idiot moves in your idiotmobile.

We saw a couple of young jerk’s compadres last night - they went whipping around us (on slippery streets, of course) and pulled into a parking lot to practice doing doughnuts (because that’s what young guys do on a Friday night?). No, the parking lot wasn’t empty. Yes, they could have done a lot of damage if they had gotten out of control. No, that didn’t seem to make a difference to them.

Glad to hear you’re mostly okay, Bus Guy. When I’m walking these days, I’ve got my head going back and forth, looking for cars about to hit me. I guess you’re only paranoid if they AREN’T out to get you. :slight_smile:


I’m glad you haven’t been arrested for murder - although it would have been justifiable. Hope you don’t hurt toooooo much tomorrow.

Ouch, man.

I’m glad to hear the Guinness was replaced. Priorities, ya’ know.:smiley:

Seriously, I’m glad you’re in one piece. I think the ignorant are out to get us, this must be the 4th or 5th in the last month.

Tell the wife, you WON’T be able to hide it. And if you try, you’ll probably wish you had gone down under the Green Deere.

Take care of yourself, you’re good people.

Ok, I told her. All on my own, because I was feeling guilty not telling her.

Reason # 449 to love my wife is her response:

“What a cool coincidence, while you were out I was on the phone with Wayne!”

Wayne is an old HS pal, who also just happens to be my State Farm guy.


People like that make me ashamed to be a Deere fan. I don’t have a single piece of green or yellow on my truck. Clothes are a different matter. :stuck_out_tongue:

(caveat: VINTAGE Deere fan)

Glad you’re doing OK!

You know, since you’ve told The Wife, you might be able to get your butt massage after all!

That’s freaky! I’m glad you’re ok.

MrBusGuy I hope I am wrong but I don’t doubt you are sore as all hell tomorrow.
Don’t try to be too much of a tough guy and see a DR. if I am right. OK?

Take care and I hope he has insurance.

good grief! i’m glad you are okay, and the groceries were replaced, and deere-boy didn’t drive off.

hopefully they will take the deere-mobile into custody and somehow there will be a mixup and it goes off to deere-heaven

Man what is is with people getting hit by cars these days?

Feel better. And go see a doctor.

He does, and yes, I am getting some pre-Sunday pain. Mostly where I landed and rolled, no back or neck pain yet, just bruising. Couple of new sore spots on the hip and leg I rolled off of.

If it’s bad in the morning, I’ll see the clinic, otherwise, I’ll wait til Monday. After all, I have a hockey game to go to tomorrow night.

Not to play, those days are past - just to spectate and beverage-ate.

Did the moron have anything to say for himself? Like, “why didn’t you get out of the way!” or something stupid that would incriminate himself even further?

I hope the cops weren’t too gentle.

Glad you’re okay. Hope you continue to be okay. You’re like the fourth Doper to post getting hit by a car (some were hit-and-runs; glad this guy is going to jail!) this past week. Four people hit by cars and post about it on the SDMB in a week! Pedestrians must be dropping like flies out there!

Everybody! If you’re walking, WATCH OUT FOR THE CARS! They really *are *after you!

And it’s Sunday now. You’ll probably be needing a whole-body massage!

Yeah, I got hit by a car last Monday. But because I was hit in the left torso, and because the initial local bruise started spreading rapidly, I went to the hospital. They suspected internal bleeding and sent me to ER for lots of test and scans. Then they hospitalized me because of low hemoglobin count. Now the whole left side of the torso, from belt line to pec, is one large bruise. The blood between the muscle tissue and skin is spreading around. It looks like I painted half my body to be a football fan. And the pain killers just barely help.

Wow, MBG, glad you seem to be OK! (And good on you for giving in and telling BusWife.)

And I knew there was a reason I stayed in yesterday. I’ll be staying extra alert about cars around me since it appears they’re out to get us. :eek:

Good wishes to all of those who’ve been hit recently.


What kind of self-respecting farm boy drives a Subaru? Aren’t their rides of choice limited to either Ford or Chevy pickup?

EEK! MBG, I’m glad you weren’t more seriously hurt. Good job telling BusWife.

MBG, I am glad to hear that you’re okay, but think that you should have gone to the hospital to get checked out. What a serious asshole that driver was, gawd! :frowning: I hope you’re not hurting -too- much today, btw. Gentle hugs to you.

Baker, I don’t know if he was scared by what he did, or scared by the fact that I rolled off the ground and tried to attack him, but until the police showed up he stayed locked in his car holding the steering wheel and just staring straight ahead.

He told the first cop there, who I know pretty well (Bus Guy knows many cops in town, since he works with the Operations Lt. on traffic issues, the Chief on policy issues and safety grants and the school liaison cops in the Jr High and High Schools - who was the first on the scene, AND his favorite neighbor is Investigator John, who hosts the best parties on the block), that he didn’t remember what happened - one minute he was turning, the next thing he knew he was spinning.

Today I’m a little stiff - mostly my hip, and butt. My butt, in fact has the start of a nice bruise going on. Last night, the Peroni did it’s job magnificently, easing the anger, tension and butt pain.

I recommend it as a pain reliever.