I’m the same way. I recognise most of the names here, of course. But I tend to read threads for their content more than for who posted, and answer the same way. Like Ranchoth, I sometimes wonder if I’ve interacted with someone. There are many posters I interact with regularly, and a few whose opinions and knowledge I respect greatly. Some make me laugh, and some annoy the hell out of me. I can think of one or two in particular whose political views are polar opposites of mine; yet there are things we agree on. And these ‘adversaries’ of whom I’m thinking put up strong and well-reasoned arguments – even if I disagree.
Since I’ve never been very good with names, I suggest that everyone stay healthy. Selfish, I know; but it will really help me out.
Even though I have not ever had much interaction with Johnny L.A. I know he is interested in good food and guns, and that he recently saw the Pouges play.
I think Zipper JJ has mentioned that she is gay
needscoffee I can’t recall too many specifics about right now…
I don’t know; I don’t post here as often as some, maybe, but I really love this place and all the crazy, delightful, messed-up-in-the-head people who inhabit it. Secretly I’m keeping tabs on all of you. You know, to get to know you better.
This issues has come up for me in the past couple of days, in an odd way. I started a thread about a drive I’m taking Friday, from Madison to Tulsa. My sister and another real world friend are astounded that I would trust the information people here posted about route options.
Frankly, it didn’t even cross my mind that anyone here would post bogus crap to jerk me around. I have built up a pretty high degree of trust in the posters here. Admittedly, some of that is a hight degree of trust that some people here are disingenuous assholes, but I don’t think even they would do something malicious like try to send me to Maine instead of Oklahoma.
Huh. I’ve never even thought about that but you’re right. I ask questions and just accept what people say on here. I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. I guess because if you make some sort of claim on this board, someone will always say “cite!” so I just accept people’s answers as true.
I accept they believe what they say, even if I know they’re wrong. The exceptions are the political threads, where sometimes I just can’t buy that everyone believes the bullshit they are spouting. I am, of course, the exception to that, except when I put on my smartass helmet.
Geez, I must let **Ranchoth **know that when reading my posts to put a deep, rambling God-like voice to them. That way, if I’m ever not here anymore he’ll know who to forget.
**FloatyGimpy **I will never lie to you. (Unless of course that’s a lie.) Boyo Jim, I’m sure there’s a shortcut you can take through Sydney. Stealth Potato be careful with keeping tabs on everyone. Someone might cut out your eyes.
Over the years I have exchanged gifts with Dopers-m principally from the USA. Trouble I have is remembering who I actually got what from. I am sure it was Baker who sent me the beer jelly.
There are a lot of names here I recognize in the sense that I’ve seen them over and over and over again. There are very few people whose name I can connect to any sense of personality. Out of that small group, there are only one or two of whom my impression is positive - that is, if I know who you are, it’s much more likely to be because you’re a tremendous asshole than because I’m impressed with your posts. I think that’s just because it’s easier to stand out by being a dick than by being intelligent. For me, anyway.
So, for most of the members here, if we met on the street, it’d be sort of a head-nod, “Hey, how’s it going?” kind of interaction. Some I’d ignore completely, and with a very few, I’d stop to chat for a while.
Johnny L.A.? He’s the guy who flies a MG converted into a helicopter and uses it to dive-bomb crabs in birch bay using a blowgun that fires titanium sporks. Who could forget him?
Seriously, though. Have I interacted with betenoir or LiveOnAPlane? I think I have, but I don’t know. This has been a bad year for Doper deaths. I think it’s making me think too much.
I am awful at knowing names here. I tend to read down the threads without looking at the names. I was much better when I lived in the NoVa area and got together with dopers IRL all the time.
I really hesitated posting that, as I was 90% sure that it was you I was thinking of—I guess I was obviously thinking of another poster.
I have a really good memory for certain things, and there are a few posters here on SDMB who I can recall much better than others, probably because we either share certain hobbies or hold similar positions or outlooks on things, or in a few cases see things in polar opposite ways…
ZipperJJ, I apologize for mixing you up with someone else, and will try to pay closer attention to your future posts.