Do I know you? II

Bruce_Daddy came up with this thread some time ago, and I thought it was kind of fun, so let’s have another go.

To steal his words:

Look at the last poster to this thread. Do you:
A) not recognize the Doper at all. “Never seen the name, sorry!”
B) think: “Yes, yes I do know that name! Please, however, don’t ask me any questions about them, I haven’t been paying attention!”
C) leap from your chair/sofa/toilet and exclaim “Yes! I know you! You talk about (Star Trek/Mundane weekends/Bush is a poopyhead) all the time!”

You’re a “B”, Priceguy.

Unfortunately, my reading style is to read posts carefully, but never pay attention to who actually writes the post unless something grabs my attention. I know, I shouldn’t do this, but…

Because of this, there are only a handful of posters who would fall under “C” for me.

Hal Briston: b + c), actually. Not so extreme as C, but he responds to a lot of my pop culture references and seems fairly witty and funny. Responding to my pop culture references always puts you one up in my book.

Of course, there’s always the chance I could be confusing him with someone else. :smiley:

Anaamika is a “C” for me. She’s Indian, very pretty, has long curly hair, flirts with … CynicalGabe, I think… doesn’t date Indian men.

LifeOnWry is a B for me. I recognise your name, and I know I’ve read a shitload of your posts, many of them recently, but can I remember specifics? Nope.

Yep, PriceGuy falls into ‘B’ for me. Know the name, read the posts, but don’t know him.

I know way too much about this guy. So C doesn’t really do it justice. Maybe just below “I’d recognize him out in public.”

ShibbOleth is a B for me. If I recall correctly, he said something very nice about my ugly dining room table. That’s about all I know about him.
[sub]I hope he’s a him and not a her.[/sub]

Urban Chic is an a) for me. Sorry, but I don’t recall ever seeing you around.

dare_devil007_ – b, I guess – has a thing for Jennifer Gardner, young. … uh …

Twickster - b. We nod in passing in MPSIMS, perhaps, but we’ve never actually been introduced.

Finagle: recognize the name, but know nothing about the poster, sorta like the guy on the bus you see every day on the way to work but have never ended up speaking to.

El Kabong : You’re a B for me. I recognize the name and I remember laughing at your sig, but I can’t but any details with it

Nightingale, sorry, but I have you as an “A”. But after this post, you’ll be a “B”!

Flander, you’re an A to B for me - if we have a poster named Flanders, then that’s the name I recognize and you’re an A.

But I know you now!

Well! Not any more, I should think, if I am beginning to be identified by it. Thank you for the compliment, though.

Elza B…hmmmmmm…if you reverse that, it becomes B Elza, which sounds like it might be a shortened version of a better known name…hmmmmm…who could you be…could it be…


Anaamika is an A. I’ve never seen her before.[right][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub]Okay, she’s really a very strong C. More like a D, E, or F, even.[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/right]

Chefguy is a kinda B. I’ve read enough of his posts to recognize the name but don’t know anything about him. So, dish! Tell me the most god-awful TMI possible Chefguy and you can be a C. :smiley:

Hi Finagle – my friends call me twicks – nice to meet ya!