How well do you want to know me?

I know that I have made my presence known to at least a few Dopers, but how much do you really know about me? Do you really want to know? Well if you do, then just ask me a question that pertains to me. I will do my best to answer them and I hope that you will learn more about me (even though I have been pretty open).

Well, gentlemen (or ladies. I don’t care), start yer engines!

What is your quest?

Do you know what a “Personal Web Page” is? Ever heard of a profile?

Okay, so that’s two questions. Sue me.

What is my quest.

That has to be the best answer I have ever heard to that,


You two are just sooo hilarious. :rolleyes:

Anyway. If you really want me to answer your questions, I will. Here are the answers - yes and yes. I don’ wannna to 'splain them, so I don’t hafta. :smiley:

I was being serious.

Me too. But, hell, if you aren’t going to answer the questions anyway, why the fuck start a thread that says, “Hey, ask me questions about me!”??


I don’t want to know you very well at all. If I happen to feel the need to ask you questions, rest assured I would ask you via email or in an appropriate thread.

Or you could get your ego strokes by having a Personal Web Page. You could even link to it in your profile.

Oh the possibilities!


what are your turn on’s/turn off’s?
music tastes?
drug(s) of choice if any?
and where do you see yourself in five years?
I’ll think of more later

Thank you for asking answerable questions, Nicklz. To all the rest of you, I am sorry if I hurt your feelers by answering the way I did. Truly I am. Ask me some others. I will try to answer to the best of my capabilities.

NerdBoy, I don’t know what my quest is. Sorry.

Silver Fire, your questions seem a little, well, demeaning. I don’t know if you are being silly, but I will play. A Personal Web Page is well, a web page that is about you or some aspect of you. It has your “touches” in it. It is personal. A profile (at least the one I’m thinking of) is a simple biography (i.e. where you live, likes, dislikes, etc.).

Oh, and Primaflora, I am sorry if you find the fact that I have a Personal Web Page linked in my profile so offensive. :rolleyes: I can’t please everyone. Geez.

Oh my goodness!

Bwahahahaha! Ummm nope, I don’t find your web page offensive!

I guess I foolishly assumed that if someone felt moved to do a thread like this then they had not discovered the full glory of the web and the ability to post personal info on a personal web page.

::wanders off giggling madly::

Hey all - Why don’t you fucking lay off dlgirl? This isn’t the Pit and there’s no reason to shit on someone here. IMHO, most people who shit on others for no reason just do so cause they feel shitty about themselves - and are trying to make everyone else feel just as bad.

I’m sorry your life sucks, hers obviously doesn’t. She’s been “pursued” a great deal around here lately so there’s no reason she shouldn’t address her many admirers.

My questions were “answerable”. If fact, a “yes” or a “no” would have been good enough.

Oh really? How so? (Are these questions “answerable” enough?)

'Scuse me?

Did I shit on someone? Darn, I hate it when that happens!

:hands dl a tissue:

Dude, you nailed it. You know me better than anyone. How’d you get to be so smart?!

Oh, better not forget this - :rolleyes:

My life sucks?! FUCK, why am I always the last person to know??

I dunno. If they admired her that much, wouldn’t they already know this stuff?

And I even previewed this time so as not to mess up the coding.


Well, there are something like 140 members actively on the boards right now (10:15 p.m.). There are 17,000 registered members (albeit not all of them active). If all the members who had admirers (or detractors) started threads to let other posters learn more about them via q-and-a sessions, there wouldn’t be much room for other stuff.

That’s the value of a webpage, a profile, and gradually revealing parts of your personality through your posts and participation.

I suspect that this is the reasoning behind the neagtive reaction to threads like this. Not jealousy, or our lack of non-sucky lives.

Most threads, even the personal ones, allow a variety of posters to post about themselves, their experiences, their opinions, or whatever. Threads like this really don’t.

Sorry, that’d be my fault. I forgot to give you this phone message I got:

Silver Fire, I regret to inform that your life does indeed suck. Best of luck to you.”

  • God

I was supposed to email it to you, but it slipped my mind. I guess I’ll be going to hell for that one. :frowning:

Silver Fire - I’m sorry your life sucks. That’s a shame. But thanks for proving my point.

And Crunchy Frog - I love Sad Robot. Thanks for dat.

Silver Fire, I did answer yours with a yes on both accounts. The problem here is the way you “said” it. Like I don’t know what those are and I don’t have either one. Anyway, the reason I don’t put more info on my site is because no one asks. Therefore I don’t know what everyone else wants to know about me. I know I should probably take this as no one cares to know, but I know that at least one person does.

Thank you, leander. I guess this thread isn’t turning out the way I wanted it to. I didn’t know that this was such a touchy subject. :shrug: I guess I started it off, thinking NerdBoy and Silver Fire were being sarcastic. I know Silver Fire was, but I still haven’t heard from NerdBoy. Anywho, for those that don’t like these things, don’t post in them. And, everyone, please don’t put others down. That is what the pit is for. Talk about me or these threads there. I don’t care (unless there is reason to defend myself).

Can I just say “carnally” and leave it as that?