How would you improve Canadian Idol?

Well In two weeks the Canadian Idol auditions will be comming to my city. Before the grand show begins I wonder if the format of the show can be improved. Certianly after one Pop Idol and almost 2 American idols some flaws can be eliminated to enhance the program.

I’m not sure. I think the system they have is pretty good, considering what the show’s about. Perhaps the judges could try to weigh things that really count (talent, stage presence, ambition, having what it takes to make it) more heavily than they do looks or token votes. But it is, above all else, a show…so I suppose they have to do what it takes for good ratings.

The format of the show could be drastically improved. For one, no more lame product placement, or at least approach it with some subtlety. There are more than enough commercials during the episode, most of which are run every show, several times an show. The last episode of American Idol started out with the host saying something along the lines of, “These contestants won’t be given free Clairol highlights forever, nor will they get the free Cokes and lifts in the Fords for much longer!” Ugh.
Also, they could skip a lot of the filler that its international cousins have. It takes 30 minutes to an hour of boring glurge for elimination shows just to get to the reason they’re having the show.
I suppose the judges could be more critical and dispense more advice, and they could have a better vocal coach (who also helps them to choose songs that actually suit their voices and styles). Other than that, I don’t think too much else needs to be changed, it is a consistent hit.

For the final 10, people should for people OFF, instead of voting people ON!

Canadian Idol has already worsened the format by having more than 3 judges. 3 judges is exactly the right number; having 5 or more is just a waste of airtime.

I think Vixenation has made some good points but none of them really address the structure of the competition. ISiddiqui’s point about voting people off would, IMHO, solve some problems (like no-talents like Carmen Rasmusen sticking around for weeks because teenagers vote a hundred times for her) but would cause other problems; someone like Kimberley Locke, who’s talented but doesn’t interview well, would get kicked off early.

I agree, though, that they need a better vocal coach or some sort of advice as to picking better songs. For the most part, the song choices so far in American Idol have been absolutely terrible; not that the songs are bad, but the contestants have been passing up literally hundreds of better choices, songs that are far better known by the viewing public and would better suit their voices. If the Canadian contestants can pick better songs you might get a better competition.

I agree 100 percent with the idea of voting people off instead of voting for them.

However, I also think there should NEVER be a back story behind the singers…does anyone think Josh whould still be there if he wasn’t a Marine?

Also, for the first show, every singer should be behind a wall, sight unseen. That way, you don’t get people voting for bodies instead of voices right off the bat.

The last two should have a cage match to the death.


One thing that I will miss on the show is Simons comments.
Love him or hate him his remarks are a flavour of the show. I checked the website and found 4 judges
Judge: Jake Gold, Sass Jordan, Zack Werner, Farley Flex
and host: TBA

fine, whatever, its not as if the judges are real judges anyway. They are more like critics. So (and this goes for the American Idol 3) what about giving them judicial powers?

Try this, Of the bottom 3 the judges can save one instead of the host. That “lets get the bottom 3, OK now its only two” does nothing for the drama but piss me off. Why bother taking the bottom three if your going to send the third back right away?
whoa, let me get back to my point.

Anyway, of the bottom three, the judges and not Ryan save one right away. popular vote of the remaining two decide. I figure that at least a “grey” performance can be saved and the carmens of the world would go when deserving.

I thought the host was going to be Ben Mulroney (the son of Bullwinkle).

Though I would love it if we could vote people off instead I don’t think that would really fly,I can just see it now…

Host: “Alright folks if you think contestant #8 sucked really bad tonight and made your ears bleed,heres the # to call! Remember the phone lines aren’t open till the end of the show,onlythen can you call in for the most God awful singer that you would like to see tossed off the stage like yesterdays trash!”

Though I think it would be absolutely hilarious!

The only thing that I think will make Canadian Idol suck is that they are going to get somebody to act just like Simon and it will be really pathetic.I find with most canadian copy-cat shows they try too much to emulate the american version and thats when I start the rolling of the eyes :rolleyes:

I think it would be pretty cool if the judges got to decide who of then bottom three was exempt. If they were the ones with the least amount of votes, then the person with the 2nd least amount of votes would go. It would give them a more active role after the initial rounds.

I hate the pathetic copy-cat shows as well, I think most people do as well so they never last too too long.

L.A. law----Street Legal
C.S.I. ----Cold Squad

Cant think of many more right now.

A simonish judge would be judged against Simon. That would be truly sad.

I hate the pathetic copy-cat shows as well, I think most people do as well so they never last too too long.

L.A. law----Street Legal
C.S.I. ----Cold Squad

Can’t think of many more right now.

A simonish judge would be judged against Simon. That would be truly sad.

You seem to be under the impression that the show is about finding the best singer. :smiley:

Just checked to verify and it is still TBA. Ben Mulroney is poking around there somewhere but it might just be for e-talk.

I wouldn’t mind him anyway, yea he’s the boy of Brian but he is also his own man. Doesn’t leech off it at all and is making his own career. Not like the pinhead Justin Trudeau.

He’d do good, won’t be snarky like Ryan Seacrest.


Canadian Idol

Maybe the site hasn’t been updated, because last Friday on e-talk they said that he was going to host Canadian Idol and that’s why he wouldn’t be on e-talk for a while.

[sub]which I don’t mind, I’d rather watch Thea Andrews than him any day of the week [/sub]