The other day I was talking to my sister-in-law, and she was telling me why her girlfriend broke up with her. The girlfriend told her she was stubborn and argumentative, and that she always thought she was right. I laughed and made a comment that she and her brother (my husband) could be twins. I told her all she had to do was find a girl like me, and she’d be fine. Now, I didn’t mean it as a come-on or anything, I just meant that if I could put up with her brother, there had to be a woman out there that could put up with her. She then said to me “Let me tell you, if you weren’t married to my brother, you’d be mine. You are so my type.” I laughed and said “Oh well, too bad I’d still be straight.” Then she said “No, you’d be mine…I’ve changed more than one ‘straight’ girls mind”.
After that little exchange, she said she had to go, and we hung up.
Does anyone think she was hitting on me? I don’t know if she was, or if she was trying to give me a compliment, or maybe both :). I just keep thinking if she was my husbands brother, a comment like that could be considered a ‘pass’.
BTW, it’s not bothering me, I was just curious what other people would think.
I’d say that’s a pass if ever there was one!
Cool though, seeing as you take it for a compliment. Which you should: she’s not gonna convert you anyway, so why worry about it?
I would consider it a “pass” and possibly a bit inappropriate. But she could’ve just meant it as a compliment too and meant nothing else by it. It’s hard to say. I guess I would have to know her to be able to answer.
Oh a lot of help I was huh?
It’s a very complimentary pass. Enjoy it. Save it and mention it to your husband if you ever need something from him.
Rose, how long have you known her? Which is what this comes down to, the comment itself could be either, a pass or a compliment, with the sly mix with humor, it was deftly done, whichever one it was!
Anti: I’ve known her 3 years, but I’ve only started hanging around with her in the last 6 months or so. I only moved into town after I was married, so we never really had a chance to get to know each before then.
Is it just my screwed up head, or are more and more posts starting to sound like the opening to a penthouse forum story.
I still think she has a wonderful way of blending both the intimacy of ya’ll talking together and humor, it must be fun hanging out with her. If she is that much fun, she’s probably a class act just like you, which most likely means the comment was meant to be taken lightly.
Oh, it’s just ** you, wolfie. **
After all, with a sig like yours, what else would you expect the answer to be???
She’s probably just flirting, Rose. I’d be flattered.
Tracie, you’re new around here, aren’t you? You will find that “inappropriate” is the “I” word in MPSIMS.
Blue, speaking as a guy I would interpret her saying that to me as meaning “she SO wants me!” However, also as a guy, I tend to interpret any attention from a woman, up to and including a restraining order, as meaning “she SO wants me!” so my opinion is worthless.