Howard Stern's ex remarried already!?

Did I just mishear this? Did Howard just say that his ex-wife is already remarried? Didn’t they just get divoriced one year ago?

I hadn’t heard that and I’ve been an avid listener for 15 years (since NBC). I think it’s been more than a year since they split up.

Normally, I don’t care about celebrities’ lives, but the whole situation kind of makes me sad.

If that’s true, she moves pretty damn fast.

Although Howard has always said it was a mutual decision, I get the feeling that Howard was trying very hard to stay together, but Allison probably made some demands and ultimatums that he couldn’t meet.

Allison wanted more time with Howard, who has a very busy schedule. If I were to speculate, I think Allison probably buys into the ideal perfect romance notion that is sold to Americans via pop culture music, videos, TV, and movies. Allison probably was disappointed that her life was not as happy all the time as the ideal, so she left. This is an incredibly selfish act, since it screws with the 3 children in the marriage.

What is sad is the fact that some people can’t appreciate the many wonderful gifts they have and instead choose to destroy others in order to gain a marginal increase in happiness. Allison had a great life, financial security, domestic servants, prestige, a beautiful house, a decent human being for a husband, and the envy of a lot of women.

Also, I think one of the reasons divorces happen so frequently in the US is that there is very little down-side and quite a lot of financial up-side for women to leave a successful man if they are the slightest bit unhappy.

…well, that might be true.
OR she realized that Howard has a hard time separating his On-air life and his real life.
Does anyone want to place bets on how long his daughters are going to be in therapy?

I was bummed when he got divorced. I looked at him as no different than any other married guy, he just said what he was thinking instead of holding it inside.

But at the same time, if everything you said Controvert was true, it could be said that Howard was the jealous one. Did he really need to do a TV show? He makes more than enough on his radio show. Maybe she got fed up because he was never home. The cat’s away, the mice will play.

Actually, it is well known that Howard’s on-air personna is an exaggerated character. He has a down-to-earth off-air personality, as was confirmed by numerous people who have met him. One example is Roger Ebert who described Howard as a downright “nice” guy. Ebert has no reason to lie as Howard does not pull punches when he speaks of Ebert. In fact, I don’t think anybody has ever criticized Howard’s off-air personality… most of the digs are against his outrageous on-air personna.

But his private at-home personality is probably less gracious, which is just a normal dude trying to unwind. He has written in his autobiographies that he likes to hide down in his basement away from people (a fortress of solitude, if you will). But that’s hardly a reason for his wife to leave him.

Howard has also mentioned that he encouraged his wife to exercise more and lose weight. One time he mentioned how his sex life improved after she did so. I’ll grant that his pushiness might have led to some tensions, but Allison might have worked harder on the marriage if there wasn’t a multi-million payday waving under her nose.

(warning, minor “A Knights Tale” spoiler ahead)

Howard is in show business because that’s what he does best and he enjoys doing it. Asking him to give up a TV show opportunity is like Michael Jordan’s wife asking him to stop playing basketball. In “A Knight’s Tale”, the love interest asks the protagonist Knight to purposely lose in order to “prove” his love for her. What kind of baloney logic is this? A supportive wife helps a husband succeed, not sabotages his career in order to validate her own worth.

I heard a funny comment on the radio the other day that Tiger Woods was winning everything in sight, that is, until the day he started dating.

As for “mice will play”… if the wife “plays” everytime the husband is away, what does that say about her?

What the hell do you know about it anyway?

“He has written in his autobiographies that he likes to hide down in his basement away from people (a fortress of solitude, if you will). But that’s hardly a reason for his wife to leave him.”

I’d say that’s a pretty good reason for his wife to leave him. If she never gets to see her husband, why should she stay? It is the job of both spouses to work at their marriage. It sounds to me (having paid no attention to this story whatsoever other than this thread) that Howard put no effort into this – he went to work, and when he came home, he was unavailable to Alison. If that’s the way he wants to live his life, it’s certainly his perogative to do so. But if he pays his wife no attention, then she’s getting nothing out of the marriage, and she deserves something.


I do not know the particulars of why the Sterns got divorced, but I did want to respond to Controvert’s comments…so maybe Alison had “financial security, domestic servants, prestige, a beautiful house, a decent human being for a husband, and the envy of a lot of women”, but if she hardly ever saw him, it might not have been worth it. A beautiful house, prestige, & envy don’t kiss you goodnight.

I would much rather have a guy who was less financially successful & spent more time with me than a billionaire who I never got to play with. Howard Stern is funny & sexy & smart & I would want to spend as much time with him as possible if he were my husband…it would totally suck if he was gone all the time.

I can’t imagine the type of woman that would marry him. She must have been the biggest loser on the planet. I would hate to see her new husband.

And don’t give me that line about his off-air personality being so sweet. It makes me sick. I have heard him talk to her during the show and its the same character. Unless she is in on it and knows the “asshole” will call today.

Can someone explain why he is not the biggest scumbag on the planet? and why would someone (besides a stripper or retard) go on his show? Ozzy Ozburn excluded. Maybe his TV show is not representative of his humor. But I have never heard him say anything clever or witty? He just ask the playmates how often the go to the bathroom everyday…

So you have an asshole that isn’t funny. What could be worse?

I’d venture to say that the children are a good reason for staying married.

Not all families break up when the husband is going through a busy part of life. Some wives put the good of the family first.

Are you suggesting that women should take half their husband’s cash and run if they can find another man who can pay her more attention?

There is always going to be a convenient excuse to divorce if life isn’t 100% perfect, filled with 100% happiness, 100% of the time. But it’s not always a very good excuse.

Thank you, Stella*Fantasia. That made my day.

Controvert, your Jordan analogy fails.

A better one would be if Jordan played basketball like he does not but on his off days he also played professional golf that involved a lot of preperation and dedication.

A marriage is more than just a house, money, kids, and toys. If he wanted to stay married then he should have spent more time at home. It’s very simple.


Suppose it was reported that Michael Jordan’s wife left him because he has a busy schedule?

He is constantly flying away to other cities (road trips, business commitments, endorsement deals, etc.)

He spends a considerable amount of time during the season practicing, playing, doing interviews, etc.

In the off season, he has the nerve (!) to go golfing. :slight_smile:

When he gets home, sometimes he is tired and doesn’t talk to his wife as much as he could or take her out as often as she thinks he should.

Would you put Jordan at fault here, too?


You can put in the time to have a good marriage, or you can fail to do so. Maybe it isn’t evil to not do it, but then you don’t deserve your marriage to stay intact. Can’t have your cake and eat it too, bub.

And that “think of the children” is a load of hogwash. The way you desribed it, Howard had everything he ever wanted, Alison didn’t. Why should she continue to sacrifice if he isn’t willing to do the same?


Well, I would. I’d put either partner at fault regardless of income levels or gender if they didn’t put the marriage first at some point in time. It’s a give and take situation .

It looks like my partner will be travelling in the next year or so, doing performance work. You bet your *rse that when he is back home he will not be pursuing recreational pursuits which exclude me or the children. No money in the world would make up for not putting energy into our kids or our marriage.

I wonder why the assumption is that the husband always deserves the credit or the blame?

A busy husband with a marriage produces an assumption of a good husband.

A busy husband with a divorce produces an assumption of a bad husband.

Or is it really:

A busy husband with a loyal wife produces a stable marriage.

A busy husband with a disloyal wife produces a divorce.

Not knowing either of them, and not having been a part of their lives, I don’t know if I can say if the divorce is his fault, her fault, both of their faults, or nobody’s fault. Maybe y’all know them better than I do, though.

Controvert shut up.

Do you have any inside information as to the reasons of their divorce? I think not, since you say (bolding mine):

Why are you so intent at laying the blame at Allison’s feet? Because she had the “motive” of getting a big divorce settlement? Has it occurred to you that maybe she wasn’t happy? Maybe what you hear from Stern on his radio show isn’t the whole story or even the entire truth.

Sometimes relationships just don’t work out. It isn’t necessarily anyone’s fault. Sometimes people change after success and the person isn’t the same person they married anymore. Stern was successful and busy long before the divorce. How do you know she wasn’t working at the marriage and trying to be happy with him all that time and things finally reached a point of critical mass?

Do you know how hard she worked at saving the marriage? Do you KNOW that she left because of the money? If not, then shut up with your baseless assumptions and speculations already.

As Captain Amazing said, “I don’t know if I can say if the divorce is his fault, her fault, both of their faults, or nobody’s fault.” I don’t know either. What gives you such a brilliant insight into these people’s lives?