Human bag of pig suet and sexual harassment Roger Ailes dead at 77.

I’m smiling so goddamn hard I’m going to need surgery to remove this grin:smiley:

I haven’t been so pleased since the death of Tony Scalia…maybe even Lee Atwater. Ailes was a much larger lump of pus than either of them, enabling Nixon’s comeback, Reagan’s election, and Trump.

Fry, you fat shit.

He wasn’t part of Reagan’s election to President just the re-election that Reagan won by so much I doubt Ailes made any significant impact.

However, his true sins are more than enough to condemn him.

A man who literally made the world a worse place and by a large measure at that.

I’ll not shed a tear.

My grandmother advised that the correct procedure on the recently departed is not to say anything if one cannot say something nice.

So, anyway, how about those Twins?

Will someone please tell me where he is going to be buried so I can go Piss on his grave.

Thank you.

I saw this posted on Reddit:

"My mom told me to only speak good of the dead.

Roger Ailes is dead.


I heard they already tried an Indian burial ground thirty years ago when he choked on a swiss cake roll. This time, they might try someplace even worse - New Jersey.

My only regret on hearing the news of his passing is that his death wasn’t sooner and more painful.

Well at least he lasted long enough to disgrace Fox News and cost them a lot of money. If he died 12 months ago, he would have done all his evil without any penalty for Fox most likely.

The first news I heard this morning was of the passing of Roger Ailes. I immediately thought this might be a great day, and felt somewhat guilty at having those thoughts. I found out about Chris Cornell a few seconds later, and felt very sad, the normal reaction one feels when someone decent passes on.

Yeah…very sad. Cornell’s passing should not be marred by Ailes.

You misunderstand. Much much much sooner than that.

Give my regards to the tenth bolgia of the eighth circle, Roger.

autopsy shows roger ailes was, in reality, 14 % decomposed dingo’s kidneys. film at eleven.

I knew there would be a thread like this here.

The Straight Dope - Where the classiest of the left show their true colors.

I always hope people like Roger Ailes live long enough to realize how much of a schmuck they have been. Also, it’s bad Karma to rejoice in someone’s death, no matter how vile, so I won’t be doing that.

After all, no man is an island. OK, I’m Donne here.

Yes, you found a thread full of snark in the Pit. Outstanding detective work.

If you would like to eulogize Roger Ailes, have at it. I certainly won’t stand in your way.

I’m shocked we got to fifteen posts before a noob doofus showed up.