Just thought I’d throw that out there in case anyone was curious; I have seen ZERO advertising for it, and was sure it hadn’t been renewed.
But it’s on Fox’s scheduling, so…I am happy!
Apparantly there will be a new addition to the team, and fans of the comic may not like it. >.< I was perfectly happy with my man-meat, but I suppose adding a hot female to the cast will only increase the male viewing population, so that’s fine with me. (I cannot find the link that I read last night that detailed who it was, and all the changes, hrm…if I find it, I will link it. She is a well-known Indian actress, I just can’t recall her name)
I was wondering what happened to it; it had been on my DVR to-do list for the last ten days, and when I checked the recorded shows a little while ago it wasn’t there. If I had known it wasn’t going to be on, I would have recorded “The Good Guys” in its place.
Strangely, The Human Target recorded on my DVR on Friday night. However, also the title was THT, the episode description matched Monday’s House. As did the actual DVR content. And it ended up superceding my Smallville recording, thinking Human Target was a higher priority. Get your shit together, DVR scheduling people.
If you have a Directv dvr, the rank of the show in the series manager determines its priority. Unfortunately, the 50 slots get filled in the same order as shows are added and they don’t give you the option to set the ranking as you add shows. You have to first realize that there even is something called a series manager and then you have to go in and try to shuffle things around.
This is probably due to the reshuffling they’re doing after cancelling Lonestar, right?
For instance, Lie To Me is now returning this Monday, about a month after the previous season’s finale, instead of whenever it was originally going to return. Maybe Human Target’s now getting the spot Lie to Me was going to get?
Just a guess, I don’t really know how things were scheduled before. The lack of getting printed TVGuide anymore kinda leaves me Fall Preview-less. I’m sure there are places I could go online for that sorta stuff, maybe even tvguide.com, but it’s not something I even think to do.
I had ZERO interest in the “critically acclaimed” Lone Star. Doesn’t bother me one bit. However, I really hope they don’t screw around and lose Human Target; which I think is a good show, but if it becomes one of those shows that you’re always chasing down to watch…
I have the cable dvr (IO). It really is the lamest dvr out there. Anyway I would be less annoyed if it did actually record a new Human Target. Instead it recorded something titles that, but actually something else.
The blame there seems to be on whoever provides the listings for your cable DVR. They didn’t update it soon enough that Human Target had been pulled for the night. I know on my cable system, they updated the listing a night or two before.
The show is being totally revamped-A bad sign. Worse when you consider it was abruptly pulled out of the rotation and replaced with Lie to Me. I loved keen Eddie but does not look good.