I am done with my master's degree!

Just yesterday I was moaning in some thread about how I’m probably never going to get my degree, and today I have been proven wrong! It was the deadline to submit grades for the semester today and my statistics professor (with whom I have been doing an independent study and is…flakey) emailed me today that I have passed the class and my grade has been submitted.

That means I am DONE. DONE DONE DONE. Victory is mine!

Now where’s my job, dammit?

Yay- congrats! Being higher educated is a good thing! For those of us who haven’t been following along at home, what is your degree in?


Welcome to the club.

You are now a Master Smarty Pants!

Congratulations! And I hope a job falls into your lap!

Awwww, yeah!!!

Congrats! I start my program on the 18th. I am jealous!

My degree is in public policy, with a focus on international development.

Thank you, everyone!

Congratulations. The sense of accomplishment is intoxicating, isn’t it? Bask in it. You deserve it. Bask, I say! :slight_smile:

Excellent news! Congratulations! Hope the job finds you very soon.

Three cheers for Kyla: Hip, hip, hoorah! Hip, hip, hoorah! Hip, hip, hoorah!

You are now a Master Doper, with all the esteemed rights and privileges that are come with it, forthwith.*

*Job not included. But we figure a member of this Board is always a shoo-in. :wink:

Let me join the chorus of congratulations. May you now fare just as well in your job search now.

Please allow me to wish you the traditional Conga-Rats!:smiley:

Good on ya, Kyla. :slight_smile:

Congratulations! Now get out there and spread that wisdom! :slight_smile:

[sub]After a suitable holiday or other restful break, of course.[/sub]

Woohoo! Congratulations.

Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Congrats! That’s awesome!

Speaking as someone who’s just finished her first semester of a Masters program, I’m very impressed! :slight_smile:

Congrats. I’m halfway done with mine, myself, so I split my days going “Woo hoo, I’m jamming through this!” and “Aw, when am I going to be done with this damn thing!”

Congrats again.

I finished mine in December! Awesome to be free, isn’t it? Congrats!

And I have my internal interview for the promotion I wanted the masters degree for tomorrow. Woo!