I am now officially cool

One, ah ah ah, TWO, two AH AH AH! Two tiny screen TVs!

I am tired as heck of my TVs being mocked. These are just my bedroom TVs. I don’t need big huge TVs there because the bed isn’t that far from the screen and because there just isn’t enough room on the dresser. Size doesn’t matter anyway

If you post about it, you aren’t cool. Pretty much by definition. And this is laughably below cool standards anyway, even if you didn’t post about it.

We mock because we care. Well, we care about mocking. :wink:

wow, there are an awful lot of jealous people here

So the one on the left is showing what Pierce Brosnan is seeing in the one on the right.

That is cool. :cool:

I didn’t even realize that. I should have been using the PPK during the game :confused:

And an NES. Damn. I really thought PSXer was pulling our legs all this time but he really does live in 1985.

I don’t get it, what’s cool? Did you synchronize the game and the movie, or something? Is it the two TVs?

I could watch Craigslist and within a month I could pick up a free 27-inch CRT tv with a flat viewing surface. I’d rather have that than two tiny TVs. I could also get free furniture that could support the TV.

Besides, I thought you had to have a Jeep to be cool. Where’s your Jeep? Pics or GTFO.

Speaking of Craigslist, I just got several hundred free music cassette tapes, and I bought a somewhat high-end tape deck from the 80’s for $20 to play them on. Does that make me cool?

Hey, I have a Jeep! I’m cool and didn’t even know it! (I guess that’s pretty uncool, eh?)

27 inch CRT is too big. I can pick up my TV with one hand

also I have a 27 inch CRT in the living room

that is the TV I use for laserdiscs

If that is important to you you should really check out current LCD TVs… I’m pretty sure I could do the same with my 52 inch one in the basement.

Also, had I known I could have helped you to be “Ultra Super Cool.” The smaller VHS combo in your picture is basically identical to ones we used to get for the mini-van for road trips. First one… VCR died… second one replaced with a DVD model… third one was obsolete when bought a new mini-van in 2005 with built in DVD player. I threw all 3 out about a year ago because I couldn’t find anyone who wanted them.

There is currently a 19 inch that I originally got in the mid '80’s in the garage that you are welcome to if you want.

the NES zapper doesn’t work with LCD TVs. How can I play Duck Hunt?

question: are all LCD TVs now also HD?

Wait, two tv’s make you cool? If I weren’t so lazy I could hook up my digital converter to my older larger tv and have both a 27 inch and 20 inch in the same room and I’d be cool, too! But they’d both be on digital antenna tv and getting sucky reception.

It is cool because I have on one TV the N64 game of Goldeneye, and on the other TV is Goldeneye the movie. And they are both at the same scene.

Also the TV on the left is cool because it was made in 1982 and has simulated wood paneling. I like the other TV too because it has a built-in VCR so it is convenient to take to the dorms.

My friend thinks you’re cool.

Any time you proclaim you’re cool, you’re automatically uncool. Seriously. You lose cool points every time you wonder about whether you’re cool, or if you take an action or stance to increase your coolness. Bragging about how cool you think you are just makes people point and laugh at you.

What you do, is you point out a situation (that you created) and then hope that other people proclaim that you’re cool. This might have happened in this case, if you’d said “I’ve got the movie and the game going here”, but instead, you proclaimed yourself cool, and look what people are saying.

Sorry that doesn’t work for me. I am doing the be so arrogant and sure of my coolness that everyone else will have no choice but to agree approach. I am trying to be as cool as Han Solo

Unless you are so cool that you can pull this off, people will think you’re just another jerk. Trust me, lots of guys take this approach, and it fails for about 99.9994% of them. Also, it really, really, REALLY doesn’t work if you have to proclaim that you’re cool, or if you ever do anything just because you think that it will increase your coolness.

Han Solo does not EVER do anything because it’s cool. He does things because they advance his agenda, or because he’s out of other options. Also, a lot of the time in the first couple of movies, he wasn’t really cool, he was just a jerk.

But yeah, he shot first, and that increased his coolness (because it’s a VERY good bet that Greedo would have taken him in to Jabba dead or alive…and dead would have been easier).