For the second time since I moved to Denver (that’s twice this year), my boyfriend has had his car window smashed while parked on our street. For no reason whatsoever. Nobody took anything; the glass stayed in (just shattered).
Fucking asshole hosebeast idiots. What the fuck is the point of smashing a window? You can clearly see into the car. There’s nothing of interest in it. The alarm goes off as soon as you smash it. WHAT’S THE FUCKING POINT OF SMASHING A CAR WINDOW???
Senseless destruction of property makes me so angry. We can’t afford to replace the window. It will have to go on credit. WHY NOW? FUCKING WASTES OF SPACE FUCKWADS ARGH!!! We can’t afford this! What the fuck do you get out of smashing windows?
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Fuck.
Will somebody please explain to me what fuckwads would get out of smashing car windows? And we live in a (relatively) good neighborhood; it’s not like we’re in a high-crime area (not that that would be any better, but at least there would be more of an explanation)
Mle that sucks ASS. You guys so don’t need that right now. I don’t understand the idea behind it either- especially if they didn’t take anything. All I can think of is kids getting their shits and giggles by trashing things. (Like mailbox smashing but on a larger scale.)
That happened to my girlfriend’s car last year. Window smashed, we replace, window smashed, we replace. Of course I live in a shitty area of Brooklyn, and this happens about 5 times a night.
I thought about sitting in the car with a bat, but they never show up when you’re prepared.
Well, you could get a real looking inflatable car. That way, when they try to smash your windows, there is a BOING, and they get hit in the face with what they were swinging. You should video tape it to, and send it off to one of those funny videos shows. Pure comedic genius.
What you need is some Saran Wrap, tape and scissors. Cut a piece of Saran Wrap and tape it over the broken window. Then hide in the bushes and wait for them to return. When they do, jump out and stab them in the neck with the scissors.
That totally sucks ass- twice for you! LAME SHIT Fuckers who have no respect for stuff that belongs to others!!!
I know how you feel. I live in a really nice neighborhood in Las Vegas and the week before my wedding, some fucktard threw a propane BBQ tank (yeah the big white one for the grills) at the back window of my fiancee (now husband) BMW while it was parked outside our house. Probably from a moving vehicle from the looks of it. The glass was totally shattered and the frame around the glass is fucked up. and it has a nice big dent in the trunk lid. He was getting ready to sell it after the wedding, now it looks like it is going to cost 800$ to just fix the fucking glass so we can sell it. Damn inconsiderate fuckers.
Its the same car twice. Parked in the same spot? Yes, it could be kids. It could be a Neighbor who doesn’t get along with you as well. If car is expensive it could be someone who’s jealous. If its an import and most other cars in neighborhood are American made, it could be some nut who wants you to ‘buy American’.
If its the same parking space, it could even be some nut who thinks “Hey, that’s My parking space!!!”.
People are very stupid to resort to this, but could some mental midget be trying to ‘send you a message’?
Either way, I’m very sorry that this would happen to you and I hope things get better for you both.
That totally sucks ass- twice for you! LAME SHIT Fuckers who have no respect for stuff that belongs to others!!!
I know how you feel. I live in a really nice neighborhood in Las Vegas and the week before my wedding, some fucktard threw a propane BBQ tank (yeah the big white one for the grills) at the back window of my fiancee (now husband) BMW while it was parked outside our house. Probably from a moving vehicle from the looks of it. The glass was totally shattered and the frame around the glass is fucked up. and it has a nice big dent in the trunk lid. He was getting ready to sell it after the wedding, now it looks like it is going to cost 800$ to just fix the fucking glass so we can sell it. Damn inconsiderate fuckers.
That totally sucks ass- twice for you! LAME SHIT Fuckers who have no respect for stuff that belongs to others!!!
I know how you feel. I live in a really nice neighborhood in Las Vegas and the week before my wedding, some fucktard threw a propane BBQ tank (yeah the big white one for the grills) at the back window of my fiancee (now husband) BMW while it was parked outside our house. Probably from a moving vehicle from the looks of it. The glass was totally shattered and the frame around the glass is fucked up. and it has a nice big dent in the trunk lid. He was getting ready to sell it after the wedding, now it looks like it is going to cost 800$ to just fix the fucking glass so we can sell it. Damn inconsiderate fuckers.
Same car. Parked on the same street, not the same block or spot. We don’t know any of our neighbors that aren’t in our building (it’s a street mostly made of 1920s and 1930s apartment buildings, with maybe two houses). It’s a 1993 Pontiac Sunfire. Not an expensive car. Not a foreign car. He moves the car every day (you can only park on that particular block on that street for two hours, unless it is snowing, which it was when he last parked the car) to a new spot (usually on the next block over, since it’s all-day parking).
This is just really frustrating. The first time, it was one block down, on a street that’s mostly office buildings. Someone saw the window get smashed from their building and called the cops. We came out an hour later and found the police report, the smashed (passenger) window, and the sympathetic person who had called, who said when she parked on that block she had her car stolen. So we never parked on that block again.
This was on a residential street, in the snow, in the morning. Right across from our apartment building. And there was NOTHING interesting in the car! We’re poor! The stereo doesn’t even work!
Just one more thing to go on the credit card. ARGH!!! I am still SO MAD!!!
How about seeing if you can set up a mini-cam in the car? Or maybe put a video camera in a window of your apartment that looks out on the car, if possible? Maybe you could get footage of the jerks in the act, and press charges. Maybe even get some money out of them for the repairs from that incident?
Hugs Sorry it’s making things so tough for you, hope things get better for you fast.
Crikey, I understand how angry you are! When I was a grad student, I managed to find a nice bungalow to rent in a quiet neighbourhood, mostly families, and after a really nice day trip, we were relaxing in the evening, looked out of the window and saw a car pull up alongside ours – muffled POP – then drive away and pull up to the next car – I raced out the door to realise these guys were pulling up next to every car parked in the street and shooting out the windows! When they saw me, they gunned it and sped off.
We found out later it was a group of boys from a completely different neighbourhood who would go out every Saturday night to different areas all around Charlottesville and knock out/shoot out driver’s side windows all along the street!
Would you car insurance cover the cost of repair? Ours did…still makes you feel so bloody awful…
OOOOooh, good Idea!! Or? Are there any businesses or apts with outside cameras already installed? If so, you might want to check them out to see if it possibly already got caught on tape.
Otherwise, bummer for you, that’s awful. I hope things get better.