I bit the bullet and re-upped

I let my sub lapse, for good reason:

  1. I had a tendency to get VERY drunk, and post stupid inflammatory bullshit.

  2. I would always wake up and :smack: , run that shit through my head over and over, feel like a dick, etc…

  3. I had accrued probably two dozen warnings (just a guess, I don’t know how many were “official” and made it into the FILE) in a few short years, and figured my time was nigh.

I’ve decided to re-up while I’m also somewhat intoxicated, so it may not the be the smartest path, and I previously felt pretty good about severing when I did.

However, lately, mostly due to a new career path, my alcoholic intake has been reduced by at least an order of magnitude. I’m not saying I won’t get drunk and post stupid shit again, but it’s less likely over a given range of time.

In my “off time” I still perused GQ more than any other forum, and had what I believe to be relevant anwers/anecdotes to many questions and posts, and felt that “itch”. Hence my re-uppance.

I’m just curious to hear how other Dopers feel about me, and whether I was missed or welcome, or hell, even noticed or remembered.

Like many, I like to think my impression has yielded a rather small footprint.

Hmm… if I’m soliciting serious opinions, this should probably be in the Pit so people can say they were happy I didn’t re-up without fear of repercussion and/or cuss me out if they so desire, but I can’t report my own post.

Anybody wanna report this so it can be moved there assuming the mods approve?

Done. Hope it works for you :slight_smile:

I just re-upped too! Let’s try to remember to remind each opther next year again so I don’t lapse again.

I’ll try to remind you, but I did it on purpose.

Cheers (we need a new smiley)

Welcome back. I remember you, but didn’t notice you’d lapsed. Watch out - the mods will be all over your shit if you post drunk. :slight_smile:

And, you are who? :slight_smile:

I think you collected about 7 warnings, but over 3-4 years. Your distinction may be that you collected a warning from at least 7 moderators in at least five different fora.

Welcome back.

Welcome back, kind sir. May the beers not do the typing for you in the near future.

Ooooh…is this some sort of new competition? :smiley:

Eleusis, I recognize your screenname as one that I mostly liked and occasionally cringed at, which probably isn’t too surprising. But it sounds like you made a good decision then and another good one now, and I’m glad to have you back. I’m sure we’ll let you know if you start being an ass again. :wink:

You let it lapse? But you’re still a “Charter Member”. How’d you pull that off?

I was the one who lapsed. I lapse every year, I have a bad time keeping up with bills (which is odd because I have a healthy amount of money). I think he meant that he just took some time off.

I guess that takes time.

Cheers, and thanks all for re-welcome.

Welcome back- but you aren’t appearing as a Charter Member to me, so maybe it has caught up. I can’t remember anything horrible you may have done.

Or me. I remember you, but not anything offensive you ever posted. Welcome back.