I can’t Pre-Take it any more!

For my first Pre-Rant EVER on the SDMB!

According to the dictionary, the prefix PRE means:
Before; prior to.

What does Pre-Recorded mean?
How can I Pre-Board an airplane?
If I Pre-Schedule something, do I still need to Schedule it?
Ditto for Pre-Arrange?
Why does my friend want me to Pre-Drill the holes in a board before I put screws in?

OK, I’m Pre-New at this, so how am I Pre-Doing?

I’d recommend a valium, or some lithium… but I’d ask other dopers with a better understand of medication.

Umm more profanity would be nice :slight_smile:

And I’m not exactly sure what your problem is…

Pre-boarding, makes sense, you board before everyone else does, prior to their boarding. Pre-drilling also makes sense, you drill holes before you screw the screws in… Pre-recorded, recorded before showing… Pre arrange, arranged something before hand…

Why do I have the idea that I’m gonna get beat down with a baby jesus buttplug very shortly.

<Hides in the BSL3>

I’d recommend a valium, or some lithium… but I’d ask other dopers with a better understand of medication.

Umm more profanity would be nice :slight_smile:

And I’m not exactly sure what your problem is…

Pre-boarding, makes sense, you board before everyone else does, prior to their boarding. Pre-drilling also makes sense, you drill holes before you screw the screws in… Pre-recorded, recorded before showing… Pre arrange, arranged something before hand…

Why do I have the idea that I’m gonna get beat down with a baby jesus buttplug very shortly.

<Hides in the BSL3>

Well at least I only replied twice. It could have been much worse.

I liked your pre-vent.

CRorex, I shouldn’t have to remind you that admiting mistakes in the pit is a sign of weakness. If it was me, I would have thought up some bullshit reason and stuck to it come hell or high water. “I didn’t post twice, the first one was a pre-post, dammit!”

Pre-boarding, OK kinda sorta makes some pre-sense.

Pre-drilling a hole, as opposed to drilling a hole to put a screw in?

Pre-recorded, recorded before showing, as opposed to RECORDED?

Pre-arrange, arrange something before hand? Excuse me? How else would you arrange something?

Sorry, can I have that Pre-Valium now?

I see someone has listened to George Carlin’s comments on the prefix “pre”.

:wink: Sorry again, I’m new here.
Would that have PRE-Vented your double post?

I really need that Pre-Valium again.
Maybe I should take some Pre-aspirin, I feel a headache coming on

And here I thought this was going to be a rant about pre-calculus.

Oh God Loopus, you bastard!

I was hoping we wouldn’t bring that word to the OPer’s attention!

SWEET CHRIST! Run for the hills, pretect yourselves!!!

Um, you pre-drill a hole before screwing, because the actual screw creates a second, larger hole. You predrill to prevent splitting the wood.

I like to prepare my fruit by cutting off a small layer of the skin before I actually pare it.

Why yes, it is almost time to go home. Why?

Well, of course it was pre-recorded. When else are you gonna record it, afterwards?

Oh, and Atreyu: :wink:

-hey, why are you folks taking all the fire (what limited fire there was, anyway) out of Duke’s rant?

Pre-drilling: drilling before putting a screw in… Wouldn’t that be pre-screwing??? (OK here come the foreplay jokes) I don’t think people would consider the act of putting a screw into a piece of wood/metal as drilling the hole, it just creates one or enlarges an existing one… The correct term should probably be something along the lines of “drilling a pilot hole”.

Pre-boarding an airplane: Sounds like what you do when you’re STANDING IN THE TERMINAL, i.e. before boarding, not when you’re getting ON the damn plane (even if you’re at the front of the line, you’re still “boarding” it)… and besides, what would be wrong with saying “advance boarding”, which is what it really is? Or is that one too many syllables for the poor beleagured flight attendants/announcers.

And what about those car ads saying it’s a “pre-owned” vehicle?? That’s one of my pet peeves - JUST CALL IT GOD DAMN USED, YOU SLEAZY WORDSMITHING FUCKWITS!!
::takes deep, cleansing breath::
I’m sure there’s more annoying pre-words to mention but that’s all I could think of right now -

(thanks Abe I got a good chuckle out of your contribution…)

pre-drilling = drilling before. Before the screwing that is. Pre-screwing would be screwing before some future event, like assembling.

At what other point would you do the drilling? Certainly not afterward, nor during. Doesn’t leave much variation for the sequence of events involving drilling and screwing, if you ask me.

<Gielgud> “I shall alert the media.” </Gielgud>

Too bad you ripped it all off from Carlin, ya schmoe.

Just to nitpick, “pre-owned” is actually a clumsy abbreviation for “previously owned.” The “pre” in that case is not being used as a prefix.

“Pre-recorded” actually makes sense in context, as well. It’s industry jargon for “recorded prior to being broadcast” rather than “broadcast live and recorded contemporaneously.” NBC Nightly News is recorded; Friends is pre-recorded. It sounds silly, but it serves a purpose if you’re a broadcaster.

I didn’t know there was a Carlin bit about this.
Does anybody know where I could get a PRE-RECORDING of this so I can PRE-VIEW it?

I’d hate to think I was PRE-COGNISANT