I can't take this. I'm going batshit.

My mom has had two strokes. She may be having another as we speak, and she won’t go to the hospital.

On the other hand, it may just be a sugar low. She’s diabetic as well.

I think I’m going to puke.

Oh God. Ogre, I don’t know if you are religious/spiritual at all, but I will say a prayer for you and your mom and hope that she will be OK.

Ogre, doll, you know you and your mom have my thoughts and prayers.

The best of wishes to you both.

I won’t do a cyberhug, the next time I see you, I’ll give you a real one.

I guess lavendar incense and chamomile tea won’t make this one much better, huh? I’m sorry, sweetie. I hope things turn out OK. :frowning:


If she has had previous strokes, she might not be in total possession of her mental facilities. Is there anyone you can trust who can come see her? She needs care, wether its her sugar or a stroke, talk to her siblings, husband, there must be someone she trusts who can help you help her.

Good luck, I sincerely hope you get through this with a healthy mom. :frowning:

God that’s terrible. Can’t you call 911 and have an ambulance come and get her? I’m sure they wouldn’t leave her there after knowing she had several strokes no matter how much she protested.

Thanks, y’all. I appreciate the sympathy. Apparently it was a sugar low, because she ate and immediately felt better. She appears to be doing OK.

My nerves aren’t built for this. I want her to be indestructible.


Oh, Ogre. Thank God it appears just to have been low blood sugar.

I feel for you. I wish I knew of something more comforting to say.

Know that I’m sending caring thoughts your way.


Ogre, pal, I’m glad she’s OK. But should the situation arise again where you think she might be having a stroke, do not hesitate, call 911 right away!

I know. I’m pissed at myself for not doing it immediately, but I talked to my dad, who somehow managed to convince me to wait just until she had eaten, yadda yadda yadda.

I’m glad she’s ok too.

I hope you don’t hate cyberhugs… {{{Ogre}}}


Ogre, do an online search real quick. There is a new medication that can dramatically reduce the effects of a stroke. I’ll do a search and post again real soon.

You have my deepest sympathies, I know you must be going through Hell right now. Hang in there.


It’s called Activase.

Here’s a link;


I see that this was a false alarm, but you really want to know about this new protocol. Especially since your mom has had a stroke before. I wish you well.

Wicky, thanks. I’ll take any gestures of goodwill I can get.

And Zenster, you heart’s in the right place. Thank you very, very much.