I did a good deed yesterday (or: Take That, Jack Chick)

My girlfriend and I had stopped at a grocery store to use the drinking fountain. Right next to the fountain was a row of pay phones, and next to one of the phones was a Jack Chick tract entitled “Why is Mary crying?”

Obviously I couldn’t just leave it to pollute the mind of some poor hick. So I turned it over and wrote on the back: “Jack Chick is a racist, a bigot, a liar, and a poor excuse for a Christian. Do not believe his lies.”

Was that sufficient, or should I have done more?

That’s one of his horrid anti-Catholic ones. I think he goes on to equate veneration of Mary with worship of the goddess Isis, or some such. So I would have been a little more precise in my criticism, perhaps a link to some site that counters his lies. Or, more likely, I would have taken it lest it fall into the hands of one who might believe it.

What is wrong with the Goddess Isis?

I haven’t the foggiest clue what sort of pros and cons there were to the cult of Isis. I am fairly certain, however, that Jack Chick intended to draw his familiar parallel between Catholicism and idolatry. If you’re cool with idolatry, you’re probably not Chick’s target audience.

Personally, I will tear the booklets in half and dump them in the nearest trash can. They ARE garbage, after all, and generally they’re placed in such a way that they are technically litter. I tear them in half to prevent them from being fished out of the can and re-used.

usually, the hcurhc that passes them out has its address taped on the back of these things.
You may want to mail it back!

I’d’ve kept it and shown it to all my friends. Then we could’ve had a good laugh.

I found some Chick Tracts in my companies breakroom. I threw them in the ‘To Be Shredded’ can, so they couldn’t be retrieved. If I find them again at work they will be turned over to HR with a written complaint.

Is that overboard?

Nope. I’m a (devout, Sunday school teachin’) Christian and I would toss 'em in the garbage too. First, fear and condescension are not the way to witness to people. Jack Chick tracts are just that.

Second - the workplace is not the place to be trying to convert people. I’d complain to HR myself if I worked at your country, or at least talk to the witnesser and explain how wildly inappropriate it is to pass that stuff out at work.

Oh, and someone mentioned that they read them for comic value. Sadly, I can’t do that. I steer clear of Jack Chick for fear that he’ll convert me to atheism. :wink:

I woulda snaged it and tossed it in the Jeep. I always need something to wipe my ass with while out in the great outdoors.

… And why is it that whenever you are outdoors or in the wild, or forced to use a “Port-o-Dump”, its always the most foul, runny, slimy dump you have ever taken? One of lifes great mysteries I guess…

What the hell did he just say?

Nothing. But it has nothing to do with Mary, and devout Catholics would consider the insinuation that they were worshipping Isis by praying to Mary, offensive, to say the least.

I certainly would. To suggest I don’t know my own religion is pretty damn offensive, not to mention that it’s full of hateful lies.

Personally I would have gone home with it, gone to my computer copied a cople of odd panels from the cite, rewrite the dialogue into a nice story about a Priest, a Rabbi and a Muslim who become good friends and live happily together. Then print it and put it in the place of the tract.

Better yet I’d probably print off my copy of “Under Your Soul 666: Satan’s Bingo”

One of Jack Chick’s strangest tracts is Gun Slinger. It suggests you can get away with murder as long as you confess your sins to Jesus before you die (through prayer, I imagine, not through the confession of the “evil” Catholics).