Within the last few years I’ve stopped caring about other people. I think it’s due to all the experience with a wide range of people I’ve had the last few years. I’ve deduced that most people really suck.
Even the ‘nice’ ones suck because being nice isn’t enough in my book; you have to not be a dumbass, too, and you have to not suck in other areas either.
I don’t even care when little kids or the elderly get hurt or killed; they both suck, in their own ways, and the little kids may not suck now but they will when they grow up, so who cares if they die young?
99% of the suffering I’ve ever experienced has been caused by other humans. They stink. Why should anyone give a crap about other people?
(That part about kids dying might be too much; let me know if you want it removed).
Absurd rationales? I think there’s lot’s of rational reasons to not care about other people. Including the endless stream of responses I get on the Dope where people talk shit, condescend, and speak with their arse rather than their mouth, so to speak, without contributing anything of value.
If you cried when young kids die, ask yourself: how many of those kids would’ve grown up to be the jerks and idiots who cause me suffering and annoyance every day?
Again, the stuff about kids dying might be over the line, let me know if you want me to remove it.
When you’re not around, things are pretty cool. We all chill out and have a good time.
All that rudeness and stupidity and general asshole behavior is just an act we do in front of you. Partly it’s to get you to leave but sometimes we’re just messing with you.
Well, I think it’s pretty rare for people to adopt an attitude like yours without having done a whole lot of suffering first. So, sorry about that.
But, that your luck kinda sucked and you got surrounded with miserable people is no reason to assume that most people suck. In fact, most people are mostly pretty cool, but you’re not able to see it. That’s because, in order to cope with your messed-up situation, you had to learn a messed up way of thinking and relating to people.
Counseling can often help with that. What have you got to lose?
I definitely believe that you have had some bad experiences that led you to feel that way.
I think it’s important not to write off everyone though. Out of the billions of people out there, there is surely someone out there who is a nice person AND not a total dumbass.
Honestly, there are a lot of people out there that I don’t like. However, it doesn’t bother me, because I have found a few people I do like - and that’s all you really need. Sometimes people can surprise you too. There have been times when people have done something that has restored my faith in humanity when I least expected it.
Most people simply live their lives and try to get by. If almost everyone is pegging your annoyance meter do you really think there’s even the remotest chance the issue is not entirely and completely your twisted perspective? Some people suck, most don’t. If you’re coming to the table with the perspective that almost everyone sucks or is a fool it’s almost a sure bet that you have some serious mental or emotional issues that are impairing your judgment.
I’m gonna have to go with the majority here and say that it’s you. IMHO you have some ‘issues’ that might warrant some professional counseling.
IANAD/P(psychologist or psychiatrist)
On the contrary… I should think it might give you a little insight. Your question seemed to be sincere, (kind of ‘raw’, but honest, IMHO) so perhaps you should take the (majority of) responses for what they are…
Sincerely honest opinions/answers to the question(s) that you asked.
I’m staying at a hotel in Kentucky that’s connected to an all-night Denny’s (is there any other kind of Denny’s?)
About 15 minutes ago I met a woman talking to police in the lobby. She told me she got raped tonight by some guys on drugs tonight while en route to her boyfriend’s house. Long story, I don’t get it all and don’t believe half of it, but I might be letting her stay in my hotel room and sleep on my spare bed until she gets picked up by a friend tomorrow.
Thing is, I don’t really care about this woman at all. You know what Nietzsche said: Terrible experiences pose the riddle whether the person who has them is not terrible.
She claims she does no drugs and doesn’t know the guys who raped her, but really, one must ponder the riddle of whether she brought this onto herself. Most rapes are committed by people that one knows; I’m not buying her story (and, as readers are aware by now, I strongly think that she is an illusion of my mind, as are all of you and the keyboard I’m typing on right now).
And even if she is the innocent victim she portrays herself as, is she really too good for what she (claims she) experienced tonight?
So why am I willing to let her stay in my room? Probably just good old reciprocal altruism instinct, scratching backs because it might mean I get my back scratched in the future by my fellow apes. Or maybe because I cherish experiences like these because they help me convince myself that I’m God and the universe revolves around me and constantly sends me semi-interesting situations to deal with.