Okay, it’s Thanksgiving Day here is the US. And some people are in pain worse than I can ever know, because of family sorrows, bad life experiences, and so on.
My life isn’t perfect but I still want to stop and give thanks for the following:
1)Modern medicine- If it wasn’t for heart research I wouldn’t have a father now. And if I had lived a hundred years ago I might either be dead or seriously disabled from kidney failure. Instead, I can get a lithotripsy(#4 will be on November 30) and break those little suckers up without surgery.
2)My cats- I live alone and it would be awful to come home to an empty apartment. My babies love me even whem I’m in a bad mood. I gave them a can of pricey soft food for their Thanksgiving treat today.
3)A job I enjoy- I’m never going to get rich being a baker but it’s fun(well, most of the time anyway) and it’s something I’m good at, if I do say so myself.
4)My nephews-Seeing those two little ankle-biters proves that some kids these days ARE good. And while I’m at it, a sister and a brother-in-law that are damn fine parents.(Can I say damn out of the Pit?)
5)This country-Gotta say something patriotic I suppose. We have warts, big ones too, but when all is said and done I’m glad I live in a country where people try and sneak in, rather than sneak out.
So go ahead and say I’m sentimental or maudlin. I don’t give a sh… hoot.
[li] The love in this world around me.[/li]
[li] A worthwhile job that hasn’t evaporated yet.[/li]
[li] A few really cool friends both offline and online.[/li]
[li] Some really loving pets.[/li]
[li] Several well built musical instruments to get my yah-yahs out with.[/li]
Living in a country that is really worth giving one’s all for.