I don't care if it's corny, here's what I'm thankful for

Okay, it’s Thanksgiving Day here is the US. And some people are in pain worse than I can ever know, because of family sorrows, bad life experiences, and so on.

My life isn’t perfect but I still want to stop and give thanks for the following:
1)Modern medicine- If it wasn’t for heart research I wouldn’t have a father now. And if I had lived a hundred years ago I might either be dead or seriously disabled from kidney failure. Instead, I can get a lithotripsy(#4 will be on November 30) and break those little suckers up without surgery.
2)My cats- I live alone and it would be awful to come home to an empty apartment. My babies love me even whem I’m in a bad mood. I gave them a can of pricey soft food for their Thanksgiving treat today.
3)A job I enjoy- I’m never going to get rich being a baker but it’s fun(well, most of the time anyway) and it’s something I’m good at, if I do say so myself.
4)My nephews-Seeing those two little ankle-biters proves that some kids these days ARE good. And while I’m at it, a sister and a brother-in-law that are damn fine parents.(Can I say damn out of the Pit?)
5)This country-Gotta say something patriotic I suppose. We have warts, big ones too, but when all is said and done I’m glad I live in a country where people try and sneak in, rather than sneak out.

So go ahead and say I’m sentimental or maudlin. I don’t give a sh… hoot.

I’m thankful for:

[li] The love in this world around me.[/li]
[li] A worthwhile job that hasn’t evaporated yet.[/li]
[li] A few really cool friends both offline and online.[/li]
[li] Some really loving pets.[/li]
[li] Several well built musical instruments to get my yah-yahs out with.[/li]
Living in a country that is really worth giving one’s all for.

I’m thankful for:

the safety of my friends.

the safety of my animals.

ferrets, in all their silliness.

little chocolalate-covered pretzels.

really comfy pants.

Certain things I value above anything else:

  • the ability to think independently and enjoy my own thoughts

  • the freedom to go where I want to and being able to enjoy it by myself

  • the ability to look upon life as one big pleasure trip

  • my two favourite men in the whole world, my brother and my boyfriend. I may not need much else, but I don’t know where I’d be without them.

I’m thankful
that I had sex last week, after a very, very long drought

that she wants to have sex with me some more

that the Yankee’s lost the Series

that I live in the same city as the family members I care about

that I still don’t have to get loaded anymore

that I still don’t smoke

that ‘Law and Order’ is on 35 times a week

I’m thankful for music and the joy that it brings,
I’m thankful for trees with a hundred years of rings.

I’m thankful for friends and their actions of love,
I’m thankful for the moon, sky and stars above.

I’m thankful to be able to ask why am I here,
I’m thankful for pizza, popcorn, and beer.

I’m thankful for life cause I almost bought it,
I’m thankful for a joke, and anyone who got it.

I’m thankful for Mac, he’s a cool cat,
I’m thankful for Drums: Rat-ta-tat-tat.

I’m thankful for imagination, vision, dreams, and blind hope,
I’m thankful lastly (not leastly) for this here Straight Dope.

Dalovin’ Dj

I’m thankful for my beautiful cats who are curled up at my feet, who nudge me when they know I’m upset and always try to comfort me.

I’m thankful for my family, hundreds of miles away, who called me today to share the cacophony of their gathering with me.

I’m thankful for the worldly possessions I have, and for the independence that would allow me to leave them behind if I needed or wanted to.

I’m thankful for an adventurous spirit and the challenges life has given me in the past year, which will make me a stronger person.