I Don't Get and Am Sick of Trans-Stuff

OK, this is an honest, non-snarky question, because I’ve seen other people say this on the Internet, and I truly don’t understand the nature of their objection to the term, and I would like to understand it. Are you similarly bothered by the existence of the term “heterosexual” (or to other terms that describe a more-common-than-not default state for humanity, like, I dunno, “civilian”?) If so, why; if not, what is the specific nature of your problem with “cisgender”?

FWIW, I don’t like it either. It rhymes with piss, sounds like Sissy, and is basically an ugly sounding word. It just hits the ear wrong, somehow.

There was a thread on this last year, but for me, one of my objections to the term is that I’ve pretty much only encountered it being used as an insult, often in a “check your privilege” or “you’re part of the oppressors”-tone.

Also this, too.

That might provide and intellectual understanding - it will not provide a gut-level emotional understanding.

I have for a long time been adamant about transgender people deserving full rights and respect and freedom from oppression. I am capable of arguing passionately on their behalf. I also readily admit that I do not understand their problem on an emotional level.

Then again, you don’t have to be able to do that to empathize with another human being as a human being. I don’t have to have a complete understanding of your problems to recognize that you have problems.

This is the most optimistic take on the current election cycle I’ve yet seen!

Aneurysm of an Imbecile: My Life Story, by Zeke N. Destroi.

The XKCD take on this phrase is more accurate than ever, since many people think that we would elect one no matter what.

Perhaps it’s the conversations you’re involved in.

I’ve used it as a descriptor when speaking to a group that contains gay/straight/bi and trans*/non-trans* people. “Cis straight woman” is pretty damn specific and is indeed different than “straight woman”. “Cis” avoids the emotion involved in saying “biological” or “real” and is less of a mouthful than “I was born with bits that match my gender identity”. No one has ever used it as an insult toward me.

Last time I tried to wave my genitalia around like a flag, I got arrested for it. So I understand what it feels like to be persecuted.

Haven’t I seen this thread before?

Oh, and as people have already pointed out, the reason you’re still hearing about it is that those who don’t get it and thinks it’s wrong and bad, are still making shit difficult, you dumb so and so.

Considering Leaffan just started down this journey and it’s very personal to him and his family, versus a bunch of existential angst for the OP, I think we should cut him some slack. Don’t you?

In my entire life, the number of transgender people I’ve met can be counted on one hand. Which means on the rare occasions I’d be discussing the concept IRL, I’m more likely to be using their name, or refering to “non-transgender”.

I’ve only ever encountered “cisgender” outside the SDMB as an insulting or derogatory term. I further understand this is not a popular or approved opinion, but too bad. That’s my experience and I’m getting just a bit tired of people telling me it’s invalid because of reasons.

Zeke: I value the rights of trans people and the importance of fighting discrimination and brutality nigh-infinitely more than your preference not to hear about it. Complain all you want, but I don’t give a shit, relatively speaking, whether you want to hear about it or not.

OP, you actually aren’t that much of an asshole. Your post wasn’t nearly as bad as expected. But please read Leaffan’s post and give it some real thought.

There is a good argument to be made that gay rights were achieved on the backs of the transgendered.

:confused: I would really like to hear more about how trans people are forcing you to be involved. Is this like when gays wanted the right to get married, all straight men were immediately forced to marry a man? Do you have to give yourself a shot of estrogen every time you hear about a trans person on TV?

Come on, before they can leave you the fuck out of it, you gotta say how they are forcing you the fuck into it.

“Go ahead and fight for your rights if you feel you must but don’t engage in any of the practices that would draw attention to your cause so that you can make that argument to the public.”

Is that about it?

Since when has there been a successful civil rights campaign that happened without trying to make the public aware of the cause?

If you are sick of hearing about something, why would you start a thread about the very topic that you don’t want to hear about?

I’ve got nothing against transgender people. Let them be free to do their trans thing in peace, I say. But when they start making me dress in women’s clothing and sucking men’s cocks, I’ve got a real problem.

I don’t understand trans-gender either, but discrimination based strictly on hatred is always wrong … of course I’m sick of hearing about it … but the problem is hatred, not the trans-gendered.

I support anyone who fights hatred.