I feel I must share this

It wouldn’t be right to keep it for myself: Dschinghis Khan - Moskau - YouTube

If you’re curious about the lyrics, you can look here but I recommend you only do so after having watched the first video: Dschinghis Khan - Moskau Buffalax (English Lyrics) - YouTube

Are they the Russian Power Rangers?

They’re the German entry into the 1979 Eurovision contest.
The winning entry was this: - YouTube

This was FABULOUS! Thank you, especially for providing the lyrics. After I cleaned up the coffee I spit everywhere, I enjoyed singing along. :smiley:

Would you believe that the guy in green was 26 years old at the time of filming? He seems a lot older to me.

Also, he was a political refuge from Eastern Europe so he may not have been all that fond of Moskau when not singing: Leslie Mándoki - Wikipedia