I feel sexiest in...

Saw an interesting poll in a recent issue of Men’s Health. They polled women on which kind of outfit they felt sexiest in:
Tight jeans
Tight sweater
Short skirt
Plunging neckline
Exercise wear :confused:
Evening gown
Would like to see what Doper women feel best in. Guys who want to say what they like on a woman are also welcome.

Have you seen some of the women’s exercise wear these days? Some of it’s almost as reveaing as swimwear.

If I had to pick one from the list, I’d say “tight sweater”.

I always feel sexy in a black/white houndstooth skirt, black ribbed turtleneck and black suede boots.


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(Guy here) How am I supposed to if Veuve feels good in a tight sweater? NJ is a long way away. :mad:

I say plunging neckline. Anything that makes my rack look huge, really.

Those other things don’t make my rack look huge, they make ME look huge :wink:

Story of my life, pal :smiley:


Sorry, Bad form…
For me, it depends on the woman. Some, of course, look sexy in swim wear or very revealing clothes. Others look better in formal attire.
My preference is actually jeans and t-shirt or casual dress. Although I should say that I’m speaking in terms of being with someone rather than seeing them in a photo.

I demand cites! :wink:

They don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Put on a short skirt and a plunging neckline.

And go swimming. Yeah.


Still laughing abobut this one . . . didn’t see that one coming! Bravo!

I don’t feel sexy that often. Maybe when my hair looks awesome and I’ve got some cute, well-fitting “going out” clothes on.

Once I was staying at my boyfriends for the weekend, and it ended up being too hot on the last day I was there for any of the planned outfits I had brought. So I threw on a white tshirt (brought as an undershirt), jeans and flip flops - and I was surprised when he told me I looked really good - he tells me that enough but it’s usually after I’ve put some effort in, not thrown on an undershirt. But that was definitely a good surprise - I know I don’t have to try too hard to please him.

I don’t have much of a chest, but I do have legs. So I guess I feel pretty sexy wearing a short skirt. And even though I rarely wear them, high heels.

Anything worn with heels makes me feel sexy.

(Guy Still) Nothing with high heels has a certain appeal, too.

I have to wonder if the list from the OP isn’t a man’s list. In other words, if women were asked, not, “Which of these things makes you feel sexy?”, but “What clothing makes you feel sexy?” I wonder how many of the items on the OP (Men’s Health) list would make their list?

I also wonder if certain clothes might make a woman feel sexy even if she knew that no one would know she had them on.

sorry if this is too much of a hijack

As a guy, this is about the sexiest look on women that I can imagine.

Milwaukee eh? Any chance you’ll be in Chicago Sunday or Monday? :wink:

I’m a guy. Any in the list works with the right woman. But, short skirts and heels do it for me, and my those running skorts always catch my eye. Kind of weird buy them for my daughter, though.

Women always look sexiest with their hair down. Especially around the holidays they are tempted to get a special do for parties, and that unfortunately often ends up as an updo.
The opposite of sexy.
The same is true of long dresses. Sure there are only a few times a year when they are usable, but that doesn’t make them sexy.

male here…

All I can say is … mmmmm :wink:

oh my … :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: you all impress me :wink:


Plunging necklines, with my hair down, and high heels for me. I’m short, so the heels give me that extra bit of height and the necklines distract attention from my stomach and arse.