As some of you know, Wife and I realized that, between her snoring (“No, you snore.”) and my restlessness (in part a side effect of my meds), there was no way we can both be asleep in the same room at the same time, so I’ve been sleeping on the sofabed in the living room. This is an amazingly uncomfortable piece of furniture, especially after a couple years of use. I have to arrange myself so my softer parts mate with its crossbars, basically throwing myself into it so I don’t open my thigh on the hooks and knives that make up the perimeter of the frame. Look at a cheap sofabed at a store sometime and imagine the sadism of its designers. So I gave up and have taken over the family room. It’s mostly been used for storage and for my “office” and “workshop,” anyway. And I have a proper bed, though, as a twin, it’s real dinky compared with the sofa. Not much room for me, much less a dog or two. The collie looks at it and shakes her head, “Nope, we aren’t going to fit,” then waits for me to get up so she can claim all of it. The old cocker never was big on getting on furniture (“We at least trained HER right.”) so she doesn’t bother. The younger cocker is different and loves his daddy SO MUCH that he’s willing to sacrifice his daddy’s comfort to be with him. Thus the issues. The weather made him wet.
He’s a LOT quieter. Incomprehensibly quieter. She is crazy loud. I tried to sleep with earplugs AND a pillow over my head and it didn’t work. And I can’t pick her up and throw her out of the bed when she gets too loud.
My wife snores too. LOUDLY! She could guide in ships on rainy nights with her racket.
I’ve tried getting up and sleeping on our couch, but when my wife discovers I am not in bed and goes on a “Hubby Hunt” through the house. When she finds me, she wakes me up and asks me what wrong…
I just can’t win.
So I stay in the bed and man the lighthouse as I brave the storm.
[very mild hijack]
Have any of you tried seeing if there is a treatable cause for the snoring? We finally got my Dad into a sleep clinic, and found that he was snoring so badly because his jaw was sliding back too far when he slept, blocking his airway. He got a retainer-like thing that keeps his jaw in place, and poof: no more snoring! Much happier family! Much happier Dad, since he gets more restful sleep now.
[/end very mild hijack]
Ugh, a twin bed? I hope you’re not a really tall/big person dropzone: even I, petite self that I am, have problems sleeping on a twin because body parts tend to flop over the sides/head/foot.
And that my collie is the quietest collie ever. Most of them kvetch constantly. Mine just mutters a little “Oy!” when she stands up or lies down.
(Quick note to my dear Jewish friends: None of that was intended as a slur. When I was growing up, thanks to Jewish comedians all over TV, Yiddish was America’s second language. There are still some concepts that I cannot express properly, or at least politely, in a single English word. “Kvetch” is one. “Oy” is another. “Schlepp,” “Schlemiel,” and, especially, “Mensch” are others. Someday I’ll start a tribute thread.)
No, not that tall, although tall enough that my feet sometimes dangle. Big, on the other hand… I refer you to some of the recent Chidope pics. I’m the background.