I find that the longer I live, the fewer “weird” people/situations/etc. there are. Barenaked Ladies is right: it’s all been done.
I’m another straight chick who tends to get along better with men than women (it’s still true, and I turned 33 twenty minutes ago). There are many of us; several have already posted in this thread. Welcome! Your toaster is in the mail (um, actually, that might be for a different club…never mind).
I think that you probably meet more guys who share your interests than women, but I also think that’s only part of it. Who knows exactly why some people wind up with more friends of the opposite sex. For me, I don’t think it’s my interests so much as my personality: according to all of that Men Are From Mars crap, my ways of talking about things and dealing with problems tend to be more typical of a man than a woman. I don’t like those generalizations because I think they can do more to hinder interpersonal communication than help it, but I think that they’re based in at least some truth.
One guy friend told me that he’d never met another woman who could be “one of the guys” yet also still feminine and attractive (all in the eye of the beholder, of course). In fact, every guy I’ve dated has figured out pretty early on that I’m not like “most” women – at least regarding whatever negative stereotype they’ve developed. I prefer to think that I’m not like most people, but whatever works.
(Now, before people start wondering about the size of my head relative to the rest of my body, let me clarify that I’m not claiming to be – nor do I think that I am – “all that.” I think I’m a pretty cool person, but I definitely have flaws. I’m just saying that there are very few ways in which I’m a “typical” female.)
That said, for 16 years my best friend was a woman (well, I think she’s still a woman, she’s just not my best friend anymore). And of my four current closest friends, 3 of them are women (though one of them I met through the 4th friend, her husband). I’ve never had any on-line “friends,” so I can’t comment on that aspect. At work there are more guys I’ll hang out and bullshit with than women, but all of the writers are women and we get along quite well. So who knows. But it’s been fun to listen to myself type for these last 5-6 paragraphs.
(Added after seeing Silver Fire’s post on preview: I’m closer to my mom than my dad, but I actually get along better with him. I think that’s why, though mom and I also definitely have different communication styles.)