I’ve been seeing references to this scattered about lately, and I still have no clue what it is. What’s it all about?
The Flying Spaghetti Monster created the world, don’t you know, and everything in it.
It’s a satirical critique of intelligent design.
On preview, I see the two links I was going to include are taken. The post remains the same, however:
It was originally a dig at the Kansas School Board. When the Board decided that Intelligent Design should be taught alongside Evolution, Bobby Henderson wrote to them with concerns that only one theory of Intelligent Design would be taught.
He explained that it was his belief that the universe was created by the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and since there was as much proof of the FSM as there is of any other supreme being, then Kansas schools should be required to teach about the FSM.
Makes sense to me.
You will understand once you are touched by his noodley goodness.
Does he bless his flock by sprinkling freshly grated parmesan upon them? Cause that’d be so cool.
It is also worth noting that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is quite fond of pirates. In fact, he has revealed to us Pastafarians, that the reason for much of the world’s ills (including global warming) are due to the decline in the number of pirates.
As I’ve pointed out elsewhere, though, the popularity of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (AKA the Flying Ramen Monster, who must be the low-income interpretation of the concept) has put the poor Invisible Pink Unicorn on the Endangered Deities List.
About 5 years ago, when my kids were around five and three years old, if we drove on a highway ramp where you couldn’t see the ground anywhere near my kids would get all excited and exclaim, “We’re Flying in Spaghetti, we’re FLYING IN SPAGHETTI!!” and then giggle and laugh. Maybe they were on to something.
These same kids, now older, often ask for a bedtime story about “The Psychology of Frankfurters”. How came by these wee absurdist I’m not clear.
So…you’re saying your car is the Flying Spaghetti Monster? :dubious:
It was a rental.
Ah yes, the atheist Pantheon. I see there have been some changes in the power structure. The Invisible Pink Unicorn used to reign supreme. The Flying Spaghetti Monster must have gained more influence. I wonder about the state of the other minor deities (often used by various arguers to make the same point about Intelligent Design,) such as Binky the Space Clown, the Great ArgleBargle, and ShaNaNa the Righteous Earth Mama.
Mysterious indeed are the ways of the Gods.
Not to mention the Great Green Arkleseizure. Bless you!
At the risk of explaining it to death, the implication is that if we admit into science any claim that someone says is their “belief”, we ought to admit this claim too, ridiculous as it is on its face. Therefore the whole argument behind Intelligent Design (“you must admit my belief on equal terms with evolution”) is revealed as a sham.
He was done in by an umbrella-wielding poet.
I believe they’re all just manifestations of the Magical Sky Pixie, myself, but there are all sorts of doctrinal disputes over the subject.
My Magical Sky Pixie is the one true Magical Sky Pixie. To suggest that there are others in incorrect. To suggest that your Magical Sky Pixie is the one true Magical Sky Pixie and that mine is false… well, then prepare to meet your maker!
I have been enlightened. The sheer beauty of the FSM brings tears to my eyes. I believe! I believe!
Aged Romano.
If my parents had given me such a bedtime story, I’d have called SCAN.