I got her phone number, but am wavering on whether to call her

Charity, that is.

Yes, the same Charity that I’ve blathered on and on about in at least 3 other MPSIMS threads.

Anyway, Charity hasn’t been at work, well at work actually working, in almost two weeks, due to something which is causing severe pain in her lower abdomen. Since office gossip has it that Charity and I are going out :rolleyes: (I wish!:p), people have been asking me what’s up with Charity.

Saturday, I asked one of my-co-workers, Bonnie, who knows Charity, if she had Charity’s phone #. Bonnie gave me Charity’s cell & home #'s. But after thinking about it, I asked Bonnie if she would mind calling Charity and telling her that I had asked Bonnie for Charity’s #, but I wanted to know if it was OK with Charity if I called her.

Does that make any sense?

I’d rather have Charity know that I would probably call her then to have her answer the phone and hear my voice on the other end and have Charity wonder how the hell I got her number.

Am I just being a wuss? Being over-cautious?

Go ahead, let loose with your jeers and catcalls, I can take it.

Wow. Saying all those nouns over and over can really wear you down.

Call her, dude. If she doesn’t want to hear from you, isn’t it really better to know it?

You are being a wuss and over-cautious. In fact, sending messages through third parties if you are over 8 years old is wierd. Suck it up, strap on a pair and call her! You don’t have to have some deep conversation, just say, “Hi! It’s WSLer and I noticed you havn’t been to work for a couple weeks, and I wanted to make sure you are ok. Are you ok?” and take it from there. Geesh…

Since you know her and she knows you, there’s nothing wrong with getting her phone number from a mutual friend and calling her. Asking for permission to call via an intermediary is weird. Don’t be so timid. Being bold is better than not risking making mistakes. Making mistakes is better than inaction.


Nothing ventured, nothing gained…but you knew that.

or is that “No Guts, No Glory”

Fercryinoutloud, call her!


or here.

Life is short. Call her.

Yeah go ahead and call her.

However I do think that said friend should have thought to call Charity in the first place and ask her if it was cool. But maybe she already knows how Charity feels about you and thats why she gave you the number with out asking her first.