I got "jumped" by five people tonight.

A friend invited me to his stepbrother’s house last night for a party. I barely drank anything even though I did have a fifth everclear(take note as this will be an important detail later). In the beginning I had a wonderful time seeing familiar faces and others who I had not seen in years or even months. Towards the end of the night things were getting rowdy when out of nowhere someone said to me “fuck you”, so I rebuffed with another “fuck you”. Unknown to me this was my friends stepbrother’s younger (but still a lot older than me) brother. After this brief and very thoughtful verbal confrontation I went inside to get my shit and leave and did not say one word to him. As I was leaving he followed and he informed me that if I said “I’m your hoe” he would leave me alone. Of course I did not say this but kept walking. Unbeknownst to me four of his friends had joined him and were following me to my car. Now I don’t care how strong you are most people cannot win against five people in a real fight. Finally it began with the hits raining against my back and neck( back of the neck) though they really did not hurt because those are not particularly sensitive areas and the will to get the fuck out of there was overwhelming. Remember the fifth of everclear I had with me :slight_smile: well it saved me an ass beating because when some of his friends also began hitting me I knew I had to keep them all from attacking at once and I let out basically a roar and told them to “back the fuck off”. The younger stepbrother punched me again so I slammed the bottle into his back or neck or I really am not sure it happened so fast. But just as I suspected that was enough to make them back off temporarily and gave me time to get farther away. After they all started running after me I ran to a close by (Thank Og!) gas station because I figured as dumb as they were they would not continue this drunken bullshit in a public place as many of them have previously been in trouble with the law. Luckily I was right and they stopped chasing after me. I hate situations like these and I refer to them as “drunken drama” but I guess that’s the price I paid for taking the risk. It could definitely have ended a lot fucking worse with me in the hospital or something. Now I realize this is dumb but I don’t care but at the insistence really of my friend whose stepbrother it was I am going to pay him a visit after work tomorrow at their house when his 4 goons are not around so we can play a little 1 on 1 and I am going to quite frankly beat the shit out of him.

Pool, I am sorry you got jumped like that but going back is likely to get you jailed at best and dead at worst. It’s over, if you feel you must do something check into filing assualt charges but don’t make things worse than they are.

Your best bet IMHO is to stay away and pick your responces a bit more carefully. Please do not feel you must answer every F.U. with another one. Young people don’t seem to realize how easy it is to just walk away.

I am sure your body and pride are hurting but you are alive and so are the others, think about that. You could have hurt the other guy badly and gone to jail yourself, remember it would be your word against all those other guys.

Hurts, doesn’t it? At least you got away relatively uninjured. The last time it happened to me they jacked me up. There is nothing in the world quite like getting kicked in several different places at once within 20 feet of your home.

what kind of fuck goes around telling people fuck and not expecting a fucking reply of fuck to the degree where he gets fucking offended if he does get one?

p.p.s. fuck that dude

Do not go to his workplace to beat him up.
His Boss will call John Law on you, & throw your ass in jail.

I assumed pool was going after he (pool) had finished work?

Total nitpick here: isn’t a person’s stepbrother’s brother their stepbrother?

Hm, I suppose they don’t have to be. If person and the stepbrother are stepsiblings because of the marriage of their parents, but the stepbrother’s brother is really only a half-brother from a different and earlier relationship or marriage, then the person of the first part, and the stepbrother’s brother wouldn’t be stepsiblings at all. :eek: /hijack

And to the OP, FWIW, I agree with Ayesha.

That’s exactly the relationship between my brothers and me: Mary had Matt, divorced Matt’s Dad, had Arthur, divorced Arthur’s Dad, married mine (who had me with Betty). But, even though Matt and Arthur are half-brothers, they’re both my stepbrothers, because they’re both the sons of Mary, my stepmother.

Hmm…Although I suppose Matt’s dad is married to Cora, and so Matt is Cora’s children’s stepbrother, but Arthur and I aren’t anything at all to them…OK, I got it now! Thanks!

(And everyone in my family kept their last name, so answering the phone was like working at a law firm: “Fritz, Beuregard, Donner, and Jones residence, can I help you?”) [/hijack]

What type of fucking people do you hang out with? Is this normal behavior in most people’s portions of the world?

Heh, good party huh. Well, time to leave. Guy I haven’t spoken with says, “Fuck you” for no reason. Jumped by five people for no reason? What the hell?!

Call the police and press charges. This is civilization. No one should get away with this sort of thing.

What charges could he press? No mention was made of witnesses so it’s his word against the word of five others who have already demonstrated a willingness to gang up against him. So the cops go and talk to the five, decline to press charges, and leave the OP in the position of having further pissed off five degenerates. Move to Florida, get a license to carry and put a stop to people who attack you.

My thoughts exactly. I never understand when I hear on the news “two shot to death at party”…What the hell kind of parties are these? If I walked in on a crew like that, I would be out of there before the door had closed behind me on the way in.

Sorry, but I could think of a lot better things to do than hang out at a house with a bunch of people you know have already had some problems with the law.
Might be time to get some new friends.

It seems like a good idea until you realize that the other five people are packing too.

He ain’t posted.
Did our boy do somethin rash? :confused: :frowning:

"but at the insistence really of my friend whose stepbrother it was I am going to pay him a visit " and beat the shit out of him.

How helpful of your friend. Let’s you and the stepbrother fight!

Fire first and then often.

In certain parts of the country (we call them “courthouses” and “police stations”), there’s a term for this. It’s called “premeditation,” the evidence of which is your post on the internet. I am not your lawyer, and I don’t want to be, and this isn’t legal advice, but rather common sense:

Your plan is dumb, as you recognize. And if you hurt this person badly enough, your plan is also multiple felonies. If you hurt him and he dies, it’s murder.

I, too, am glad that I have never been to a party where this type of behavior is considered anything other than horribly aberrant.

On a serious note, premeditation is BAD. You’re likely to have your ass thrown in jail and depending on the step-brothers injuries, a lengthy jail term and/or compensation may be ordered. Be wise my friend, be wise.

I’d also like to be flippant and say…meh, kick the shit out of him…he probably deserves it anyway and you’re got the green light from the friend. Either that or put a potato in his exhaust/deflate tyres…stuff that can’t actually be traced…

I’m sorry officer, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Honest :smiley:

I’m not sure what you decided to do, pool, but I am going to close this thread. There’s a not-so-fine line between letting us know what happened (which you did–and that’s okay) and telling us you’re planning on causing physical harm to someone (which you also did–except, not okay). My suggestion to you is to talk with the appropriate law enforcement personnel and get this straightened out as well as you can.