I got TWO kittens (Now with pictures!)

Well, we’ve been planning on getting a kitten, basically since we lost Noel. (NOT as a replacement, of course).

Now, I knew we were going to get one cat, but I had no idea my mother was going to pick TWO of them. So, she brought home two little ones (littermates, like Buffy and Gypsy:

Annie: a little part Siamese cream-colored with tan-ears and tail, and big blue eyes. Annie is a big time cuddler, and a kisser to boot. I went upstairs earlier to lay down (I had a headache), and she curled right up around my knees.

Luci: a pale orange tabby (more tannish), she’s the naughty one, I suspect. She’s constantly racing around in the room, rolling around in this little nylon cage-thingy we bought for them. She’s constantly attacking Annie, (as well as MY FEET).

NOW, pictures: I tried to take them: however, neither would sit still long enough. I got a few of them wrestling, but they weren’t that geat (you can’t really see them), so I’ll try and take some better ones later on, and then I’ll post them later on tomorrow.

Later !! What is wrong with you woman ??

A new kitty thread without pictures?

It’s time for the pictures NOW! <taps foot impatiently>

OK now that won’t do. You need to take movies of them fighting. If you go to YouTube, there are vids of kitten fights and kitten wars. Here’s one how to break up a kitten fight (a bit disgusting)

But let’s see them fight :slight_smile:

Hmmm…I’ll have to see if I can take a video with my digital camera (I still haven’t figured out how to do that)

All right, now, HERE they are together.



Wrestling (in the LITTER BOX!!!)

And because there are too many them (I took a whole bunch before I went to bed – after I shut down – and this morning --), HERE is my Photobucket album with pictures of said kittens – along with my other cats, as well as a few of my dog.

ENJOY!!! :smiley:

Them are some cute kittens, Guin! It’s amazing how littermates can look so different sometimes.

(and I changed the thread title as you requested)

LOL caption:

Dude? You evr rly lookz at ur paw?

As for littermates looking different? That’s nothing.

Gypsy and her sister, Buffy. Buffy’s long haired and fluffy, and Gypsy’s short-haired. (Both are big cats in general, although Buffy’s pretty damned fat!)
(Of course, Gypsy doesn’t like Buffy anymore. But then, she doesn’t like ANYONE.)

Indeed they are :).

Cats are superfecund. Literally every single kitten in one stray cat’s litter may have a different father.

Oh, I understand! Our little black cat had a litter of kittens. Two were LARGE gray tabbies (twice her weight), one looked like a very fluffy siamese, one was black, and one was just odd.

Adorable kitties! Begging to become LOLCats.

Luci looks like a lighter colored version of the two little kittens I got earlier this year!

They’re so cute, try to not to kill them when they tear your home apart… :wink:


“Littermates” indeed :smiley: