I graduated College!!!

Yesterday, I got my Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University. After 4.5 years of work, and one nice leave of absence from burning out halfway through, I stuck with it and finished strong! Sorry…I’m just excited!


Congratulations, Jman!

::hums Pomp and Circumstance::

Are you currently dealing with “So What Are You Doing Now?” Syndrome? You know, where anyone who hears you’ve just graduated feels compelled to grill you about what’s next for you.

So… what’s next for you? :wink:

'Grats, man! Good luck to you.

When I first graduated from college I know the one thing I was most aware of was that, for the first time in years, I didn’t have some paper or project due in x days or weeks hanging over my head.

Enjoy that feeling while you can, 'cause the due dates come back with a vengeance.

Woo-hoo! Way to go, Jman! Congrats on reaching that milestone. Good luck to you in whatever life challenge you take on next. And have fun celebrating your accomplishment.

Thanks everyone.

Rosebud: Next up for me is a 4 year stint in the US Army. I’ve got a summer of very little before I start on active duty as a 2LT. ROTC paid for the vast majority of my tuition, so I get to pay them back over the next 4 years. After that…maybe I’ll go work for some tech company…then who knows?


Congratulations, Jman. And, there are worse lives than being in the military. Who knows? You may even like it. My ex is an LCCIS tech in the Canadian Army and he LOVES it.

All the best to you!

Congratulations, Jman! Good luck in the military!

[sub]Oh, to be young again[/sub]

Congratulations, Jman! Good luck in the military. :slight_smile:

Which reminds me…I knew there was something I forgot in the “annoying questions” thread! :wink: (I just graduated, myself – in the fall I’m going to grad school at the U of Chicago.)

You’ve probably answered this elsewhere, but what are you going to pursue, Katisha?