Today is the first day that I have been home during the daylight hours to tend to all those spring yard tasks that must be done - and a truly wonderful day it is, too. I decided to put up the bird houses when I heard lots of bluebirds and chickadees singing away.
I hung one of the chickadee/wren houses in the same spot we had it in last year - right outside the bedroom window. Last year we had a brood of wrens AND one of chickadees in there. (Not at the same time, mind you!)
I hung it up, and took two steps back to check the placement, and “prrrrrttttt” (imagine the sound that little wings beating fast make), a chickadee landed on a branch outside of it, hopped to the opening, peeked inside, hopped back out and looked at me as if to say “Well! It certainly took you long enough!”
I sure like Spring…