I had 7 teeth removed yesterday

In preparing for braces, I have had 7 teeth removed in one sitting. Surprisingly I am not feeling too bad right now, and the only pain pills I’m on is Advil, and I took those yesterday. They took out 3 wisdom teeth and 4 premolars.

It was the first time that I have been knocked out by the anesthesia, and I needed a driver to pick me up and take me home, though once I woke up I really thought I was in good shape.

I have some stitches that are going to disolve on their own, and I’m s’pose to do a lot of rinses w/salt water, and some prescription stuff.

I really feel like I could be at work today, but I am scared that I feel good now, but something is going to hit me later. One side of my face is a little sore, but no major swelling.

you have my sympathy.
I did the same thing once.

Yup, been there. My mom’s side has big teeth, and my dad’s side has a small jaw. Do the math. :smiley: Plus the last baby tooth was slow coming out. They took 8 permanent teeth and one baby. Yowza.

Later I had four impacted wisdom teeth removed. Gotta love that general anesthesia.

You should take up scrimshaw.

Man, I could go for a big bowl of Cap’n Crunch right now.

I had 10 teeth removed in one sitting.

Not for braces, but my front baby teeth would not fall out. They had very deep roots and had to be pulled. So the front 4 on the top and the front 6 on the bottom all out at once.

hey i had the same thing done they took out 8 teeth for braces… then when my wisdom teeth were coming out they decided to cut open my gums to remove those so that it wouldnt shift the dental work… but i was sick of how many needles they put in to numb the area… but good luck… for me braces always hurt too much to function when they tightened it…to this day im still not in the habit of eating apples as it was too painful to eat with elastics and headgear…the woes of big teeth small mouth.

I’ve got some major dental surgery scheduled for next week and I’m pretty scared. They’re resecting the gums to clean the roots and implanting bone graphs to stop the lower jaw from self-destructing. They’ll certainly have to remove four teeth, and maybe more. This is the only procedure the periodontist has scheduled that day because he expects it to take about 8 hours.

I’ve had regular checkups (every five years, without fail :)), but have never even had to have a filling.

I admit that it heartens me to hear about everyone’s experience; I was expecting excruciating post-op pain. But I still want drugs.

Lots and lots of drugs.

I had 3 teeth removed a few weeks ago. 3 wisdom teeth actually. It wasn’t so bad, I only had Advil too. Anyway, I still get things stuck in the little holes that are left but they are slowly closing up. Avoid eating rice and spaghetti as they tend to get jammed down into the holes as well as any of those little crunchy things.

I hope they put you out for it. Mine wasn’t painful at all it just turned my stomach every time the dentist started prying out the tooth. URK!

Rubes, good luck. And remember when the braces come off, wear your retainer for life. My wife and I didn’t and we both have had teeth shifting back.

PY - sodium pentathol, ask for it by name. Mmmmm, sodium pentathol. Had four wisdom teeth removed while under.

Had two incisers removed and didn’t know it! Got shots, then the doc said he was going to ‘test’ how the teeth were set. So after the ‘test’ I am psyching myself up and he asked me if I wanted my teeth. I said sure and he handed them to me. Very slick, didn’t even know he pulled them.

Gee, when I had to get eight teeth removed, I had one side of my face done at a time. Sure, I had to go through the procedure twice, but at least I could eat. Plus, I was living at home at the time (summer break in college) so I at least gained more sympathy that way. :slight_smile:

I had seven teeth extracted so I could have fixed porcelain teeth put in my lower jaw. I can’t take any antiflamatories, so all I had was Tylenol. Still, it wasn’t bad. But, I recommend you have conscious sedation if possible; otherwise local anesthetic will be okay. Its just that with the former, you don’t remember anything. By the second day it was very tolerable. One big BUT, I had two teeth extracted prior to that and I wasn’t careful with the blood clot and I ended up with what is called a “dry socket”. You don’t ever want to have that. Mucho, mucho painful. Just be careful for a few days, and gentle so that the blood clots all remain intact.