I had a heck of a good day

I just spent a very enjoyable saturday watching softball.
I watched my daughter play 5 games.It was a girls softball tournament.
She is 12.She is a pretty good shortstop and normally that is the position she plays but this year there are about three good shortstops on her team.The coach lets them play different positions. Lets see she played 1st for about 3 innings in two different games.She did pretty good. That was her older brothers position,so she thinks she is great there.
She played right field for about 3 innings. Not much happens in right field,except for backing up the first baseman.
She played left field for about 6 innings.Not much happens in left field, in young girls softball, either.
I think she only played short for three innings.
The rest of the time she played third. I think that is her second favorite position.
I told both my kids that they should be pitcher or catcher because those are the positions that most coaches look for in high school ball. Neither of them liked either of those positions.
They had a game friday night and got their clocks cleaned for their first loss of the season. It was a regular season game.
Tourney started at 9 oclock this morning. They won but all the girls were sluggish. Too late a friday night.
Second game 11:30 another win. Still sluggish but an impressive win.
Trird game 2:30 had time to go home and eat lunch. Sarah watched cartoons.Played the fri night team. Kicked butts.
Forth game 4:30 haven’t played this team before.Doesn’t matter kicked their butts too.
Next game, the final, was supposed to start at 6:00 but everything was running behind so it didn’t start until 7:30. They are the only team left in the no loss bracket, so who will they play?Well the friday night team of course.
I won’t bore you with the play by play but the score was 13 to 3 Kicked their butts for the second time today.
I said I had a very enjoyable day.Not every dad gets to see his kid become tournament champ.
Way to go Sarah.I’m proud of you.

Well, hey, I’m proud of her, too, and I’m extra special proud of YOU for being such a good dad to take time off to go see her play.

Happy Father’s Day!


What a wonderful way to spend Father’s Day weekend!

I hope someday, I’ll be as blessed!

I do have cousins who play basketball–they’re very good. I try to see a couple of their games a year.

Congrats again! You must be very proud of your daughter!


I love seeing stories like this–when I’m getting squeamish about having kids, stories like this remind me of some of the really cool things about having them in your life.

You really must be proud–even though, from the sound of it, I think you’d have been proud of her, even if she didn’t win. :slight_smile: