After a day, of running errands I go into a seedy store to buy bottle water and low and behold I find the parent of one my former students.
The same woman of a shitty family that would argue and fight in my class
The same woman who accused me of hitting her child( and you know you do know when nearly all of my students screamed 'NO MS.CLARAMORENA DOESN’T DO THAT!" and when my boss whose office is right next my classroom tells them that I would never to that. Doesn’t that tell your special little snowflake is lying? The kicker? The next day, one of the girls who accused me of being mean, confessed that she was lying to my boss and her mother screamed at her in front of me and my students.
she works at that seedy store now.
Yes, I sound like a vapid teenaged girl but I had to chance to publicly embarrasses her and I blew it.
I just bragged on what a big shot I was( I’m not but still :D) and told her to keep the change( one cent) since I felt generous. I HAD THE CHANCE TO GET REVENGE AND DIDN’T DO. IT.:smack::smack::smack::
After thinking a little bit, I’m glad I didn’t since I know she is not a stable person and how her family needs the money.
Hey. at least she’s working. And you’re the one that went to the seedy store. And I agree that you sound like a vapid teenaged girl and quite unstable.
And it’s “Lo and behold.” Not Low and behold."
So, you are a teacher? Holy shit, you are making teachers look really bad, here.
The only reason to take revenge on anyone is to make yourself feel better. Which is easier said than done.
Frankly, I prefer the Universe to take care of 'em on my behalf. There’s nothing sweeter than discovering someone got their comeuppance without me having to lift a finger or even think about them. And if they never did get their comeuppance, well hey, maybe there’s a reason for that.
I prefer that they get their comeuppance from someone they cannot identify as me. There’s enough misery in the world, I don’t need to make a miserable person more miserable.
It’s basically just simple probability. I’ve got a hit list on my hard drive as long as your arm. With only one exception, all of them are felons. Chances are I’ll never take action against any of them, because the risk of being apprehended is too high. But I keep tabs on them, and I know where all of them live and where they work. Every once in a while I get to cross a name off the list because I found out that their actions have finally caught up with them, and they are either incarcerated or destitute and homeless. Sometimes—not always but sometimes—bad people eventually wind up digging their own grave out of desperation or sheer stupidity.
Are homeless people always destitute? Are their like homeless people who go around saying, “I might be homeless, but at least I’m not destitute - you wanna stay away from *those * people, nothing but trouble.” Just wondering.
I’ve actually known quite a few homeless peeps who had it pretty good. In between panhandling and SSI/disability, they made out pretty well considering that they didn’t have to pay rent or mortgage. The guy I’m talking about didn’t fall into that class, though. He had a bad coke problem all his life, and then in the late eighties he discovered the joys of crystal meth. It’s been downhill ever since for him. He may be dead by now; I’m not sure.
Thanks…and also thanks for adding a Briticism to my vocabulary that I have never encountered before. (I had to look it up to determine whether you were saying something nice, or less so!)