I have a guy that called me 30 times today and finally when I call him back to tell him to back off he calls me 3 more times to apologize for calling so much…I’ve only met him three times and he won’t go away… How do you tell someone to back off that doesn’t understand english…Does anyone know how to say leave me alone in Arabic???
Tell him to leave you alone, or you will get a restraining order. And follow through.
Oh, and my Arabic is very nearly non-existant, but the word for no is “la”. The “a” is a nasal sound, like in the word “ran”. You could try saying “la la la la la LA LA LA LA!” and see how that works.
lol…you are so funny Kyla! I tried telling him not to be obsessive, that I could only be his friend, but he doesn’t get it. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings because he’s a nice guy. A lot off, though!
Anyone who calls you 30 times in one day is not a nice guy. He’s an annoying jerk.
stop being a wimp.
As a man, I can tell you that no man ever has taken a nice, gentle hint.
He just thinks that you like him.
If you aren’t blunt & rude he won’t get the message.
Tell him if he won’t go away, you’ll call the cops.
Tell him:
emshee! = Go away!
Checking my “arabic at a glance” dictionary -
Kyla is correct about “la”.
My dictionary says the proper pronunciation for “Go Away” is yimshee. The y may or may not be important.
Unfortunately, I don’t have a translation for “Stop calling me or I’m getting a restraining order.”
I like the smell of troll in the morning… That smell, that troll-ey smell, it smells like… concrete.