Thank you to the lovely person who sent me the anonymous email regarding my behaviour in the “Baby Rapers Should Die” thread telling me I should know better. If you thought that the names you called me would shock me, you are sorely mistaken. I work with children like yourself every day and have been called worse. I did not reply to your email as it was undeserving of a reply. However, perhaps by posting this, you will know I have received it, and put it where appropriate… in the garbage bin.
I do hope you have a happy day
We are, each of us angels with only one wing,and we can only fly by embracing one another
Sue… I commend thee girl. I too have discovered the wonderful use of the garbage bin… It is almost as wonderful as the ignore option and you know how much I love that one. Anyone who hasn’t the balls to say that kind of thing to your face and hides behind the anonymity of an unsigned email rates right up there with trash in my eyes. Everyday my friend…you and I grow more wise to this world called cyberspace. I am amazed at how far we have progressed… I have one word for you hon… Peapod!
I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!
Good for you Sue…I’m sure that if you have experienced the same things on the web and net as most of us have…double dealing “friends”…relationships turned bad…untrustworthy acquaintants…and most people that I have talked to have…it is much easier to either just ignore these people…or give them the bare nods of life. The thing is…these idiots actually think they win something from your acknowledgement…rather than realizing that you are merely trying to avoid as much contact as possible when sending them back a nod of the head…lol.
It’s easy to forgive…but hard as hell to forget…when people suck the life out of you and then…act as though it never happened…and that by simply not acknowledging it…they think it’s magically disappeared…
Thanks PCW and Fuzzy. For the most part I have met wonderful people online, but yes, online as in real life there are always going to be people who take a person for granted, lie and dont show their true colours. I for one am not like that. What you see is what you get.
My emailer obviously wanted to make a point, and altho point taken, it is also ignored. I really dont bother too much with people’s stupidity, if they have something to say, say it.
We are, each of us angels with only one wing,and we can only fly by embracing one another
hmmmmmm well…looking at your profile Purplecrackwhore…I don’t think so…haven’t run into anyone on the board yet that I know…even from other chat rooms which I rarely venture to…
I’ve posted bunches and bunches…strange you should ask me that question now…did something I say in this particular thread hit a nerve? I have to admit…I’ve hit quite a few with quite a few people…so don’t take it personal…I don’t know you…I don’t know the author of this thread…I was just stating an opinion…
Not something you said Fuzzy, it was your email address. The last whichwaynow I met was a judge and jury of 13 or so people. Odd name so I thought I would ask.
I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!
I’m sorry CanadianSue…I was replying to purplecrackwhore and ignored your post…not on purpose. I think you handled it in a most ladylike way. I must admit that you seem more able to control your fingers than I do…I usually let it fly…which is not good because it only let’s the person know they got to you. But I have little time for stupidity. I agree with you…most people online are nice…and only a few turn out not to be what they claim…but even those few can hurt…so I much prefer sticking to the message board…you can say what you like…without any prejudice cause you don’t know the people…and you don’t have to worry whether they like you or not…andyou don’t have to worry about whether they lie or live a double standard…
ahhhh geesh…ya shoulda said so…that email address was one I made up when I found out that I had to have an email address for here…whichwaynow came out of a book that one of my niece’s had lying by the computer…and I have one hotmail address…but I really use it…and this was one I knew that I’d never need…lol…hell I should check it I guess…might be something there…lol. Hmmmmmm now that is strange…someone used it somewhere else? Thanks for letting me know…I’ll change it…it’s not important to me…
Ayesha… I wouldn’t put much into it. People who hide behind anonymous posts and emails tend to be pretty ignorant. They have to cover up who they are so that they aren’t exposed for their assumptions and gossip. If they had the intelligence to have research to back up their arguments, they wouldn’t have to hide.
I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!
I have no idea the exact content of your email, and I am certain I do not want to. It is a shame that people feel the need to resort to such actions. It is also a certain brand of a coward.
As a member of the human race please allow me to apologize. The idea that someone who shares a majority of my genetic template would be capable of such a craven and offensive act disgusts me.
My goodness, people, if your words are not even worth posting on an electronic bulletin board just swallow the vile things. If you are afraid to post it, that is probably an excellent hint that the ideas are not worth expressing.
The best lack all conviction
The worst are full of passionate intensity.
Ahhhh 5 days without another email coming through…I do believe I have lost my status as the big “C” and am safe to return…looks to the right… the left… and jumps back in with both feet!!!
We are, each of us angels with only one wing,and we can only fly by embracing one another
Back in my old DOS BBS message board days, I had some sort of inevitable allure for the foaming at the mouth email hate mongers of the Internet. At that time, it was pretty much easy to have an anonymous account, but it was harder to have multiple email addresses. I found the most useful method for dealing with people who wanted my attention for the purpose of insulting or harassing me.
I wrote a macro for my communication program (an old one called Qmodem) which created, and mailed a response for each email from anyone on a list. I could add to the list , simply by invoking the macro with the sender’s email address. After that, whenever I downloaded mail, whatever the content of the message, I would never see it, and the sender received a message like this:
Sir, madam, or construct,
Your message has been received and deleted by Triskadecamus’s Twit Filter. This automated system will reply to any additional mail you send to this email address. Human contact is no longer available to you on this channel. If you wish to continue the correspondence it will waste no one’s time except your own.
<P ALIGN=“CENTER”>Respectfully,</P>
<P ALIGN=“CENTER”>Tris’s Twit Filter.</P>
Out of curiosity, I added a count file, which incremented for each iteration for a specific sender. The record was seven. I wonder if she saved copies?
The road to truth is long, and lined the entire way with annoying bastards.
–Alexander Jablokov, The Place of No Shadows
Sue: glad you’re back, and echoing the need to apologize for the human race for the dreck that landed anonymous garbage on you.
People who indulge in drive-by attacks, real or cyber versions, are beneath contempt. Folks here are free, very free, to disagree with viewpoints. To take that freedom as license to make personal attacks is wrong, stupid, cowardly and despicable.
I’m so sorry this happened, and am very (selfishly) glad you are back “on board”. You should be very proud that you didn’t let the creeping, cowardly, light-fearing cockroach win.