I have decided to become a nice person.

Don’t do it!

The toughest thing for me to do is just to hold my tongue when someone is spouting stupidity in my area. The last time I couldn’t keep it in, some woman here at the office was touting one of those goddam scented candle and trinket parties she was going to hold, and I made some snide remark about how cheesey and overpriced the products were. She was so crestfallen! I felt like a real bitch. But jeez, sometimes it’s hard to keep one’s mouth shut. Being nice is tough! It’s like always play-acting a part, 24 hours a day.

Exactly. And who wants manufactured “nice”? It’s so fake! And you can always tell when someone is being nice to you but doesn’t really want to. That’s another reason I’m trying for an absence of nasty.

The problem is not with you. Everybody else has to lighten up and get out of your way. Take me. I’m just a happy guy, humming a tune, not a care in the world, until I run into somebody else. Then they either don’t want to give me their wallet or try to run and I have to turn nasty. Not my fault.

5 hours now.

Happy Happy, Joy Joy…

This is tougher than I thought. I have a new respect for nice people. HEY! I just said something nice!

Someone recently told me that inside each person is two people, one who is nice, kind and loving, the other who is hurt, angry and bitter. Of course, they are always battling for control.

And there the story ended. :rolleyes:

And when I asked which one takes over, I was told, “The one you feed.” :smack:

On an aside;

I knew I recognized that name, Inigo Montoyo, as from some film I’d seen a long time ago. Every time I’d see it, I’d think, what film is that? Never really bothered to ask anyone mind you. This weekend I was flipping through the tv channels and happened upon the scene where he just keeps repeating, “I am Inigo Montoyo, you killed my father…”. I was jumping around all excited like and kept repeating it all weekend. My husband now thinks I am insane! :smiley:

My god, Inigo. I’m starting to think you’re serious about this.


Ok kids, show’s over.

Just talked to my Ms. Montoya on the phone. Oh well, 6 1/2 hours. Gotta be a personal best for a waking nice streak. Back to being a right bastard again. mmmm comfy.

Welcome back. I was starting to wonder what happened to the real Inigo.

Lissa, you are one of the nicest, most supportive members of this board. I find it hard to believe that you have a mean bone anywhere in your body.